Yes, salaries of players aren't balanced. 5 player with highest salaries:
PG 157k, PG 145k, SF 88k, PF 62k, PF 54k.
Guards have almost tripled salary of bigs.
I think 2x PG 100k + SF 50k + 2x PF 100k should work better with less payroll.
Not sure how well the lower PA would work. Is this something you have tried? I feel lite flow is really important in beating high OD with outside offense.
It will work in this way: Currently Your guards have TSP = 120 or sth like that. If You subtract two levels of PS then Your guards will have TSP = 118 (TSP lower by 2%) and salaries lower by 25% (35k). You will have lower flow and less number of assists. I think flow will be lower by one, maybe two sublevels and You will have ~1 assist less per game. However You will have 70k more to spend to other players and it's more than enough to compensate worse flow in other areas (shooting, rebounding, defence).
Most expensive skill (PS) of most expensive players (two 150k PGs) always means the worst quality to salary ratio in team, no matter how important is this skill.