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Why won't I sell tickets?

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255681.3 in reply to 255681.1
Date: 03/12/2014 07:14:02
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I went through the same issue this year.

After Won Lost Rivarly Game: 2/25/2014 Outcast: Fury 11000 2500 500 25 14025
After Lost Rivarly Game: 2/15/2014 Rutting Bucks 7436 1310 450 23 9219

My numbers may be a little skewed with the lower attendance game being against a low ranked team and the higher attendance game being against the #1 team, but it does show rivalry games make a huge impact on attendance.

From: Nick22

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255681.4 in reply to 255681.2
Date: 03/12/2014 08:24:43
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Hmmm, maybe I underestimated that loss. That's extra frustrating, since I lost by 1 in the final seconds of overtime. How long did it take for you attendance to stabilize itself again?

From: primoss

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255681.5 in reply to 255681.4
Date: 03/12/2014 09:14:35
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I have won all my TV/rivalry games this season,and Iam on top in the division.
But I have made a big mistake ,by raising my bleachers price with just $1,and Iam paying for that
Thats why my attendance took a drop.
Now I have average 20k less income in home games,because of this mistake,next season it should be allright I guess.

Losing TV/rivalry games, could be also a slight blow for you in the next season,depending how happy your fans are at the end off this season.But I think in your case it should be just a minor thing,cause you are doing pretty well.There are managers when they have to play a rivalry game ,who will play CT if necessary ,just to win this game,so there next home game could be sold-out..,if you loose you will get a drop in attendance for sure.And that could take while before fans will forgive you for that loss...

Last edited by primoss at 03/12/2014 09:17:12