Fisrt, thanks to JosephKa, yes, it explains very well the situation.
For sure, i will keep on thinking that Utopia would have been even more interesting with no access to the real countries transfert list, and same roster for eveyone, this would have been a real competition between managers.
Never been a tactician or a very good manager, so I guess I agree with you, but not a lot to add.
What I'm bit sad is the forums. I was really hoping for more active forums. This one is OK, but could have been more. The two leagues I follow have very few messages and when stumbling upon one league or another I didn't see highly active forums. If someone can show me one, that would be nice. With 70+ leagues, there should be some with 50+, 100+ and 150+ messages.
It seems like Utopia managers are active for their teams, but not that much on the forum, at least from my point of view.
About forums, i think that main problem is communication between people, espacially because of languages.
I think that around 40-50% of Utopian users may speak english, and something like 15% are speaking spanish and another 15% are speaking french.
Even if (obviously...) some people are used to speak in different languages, some others do not, so imagine BB activity spreaded over 75 divisions : you ended with 1 to 3 managers able to communicate in the same language and want to be active on the forum.
You can't have an active forum...
Last edited by Tuck at 4/24/2014 7:41:38 AM