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Suggestions > U21 Club competition

U21 Club competition

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290417.3 in reply to 290417.2
Date: 10/17/2017 6:29:17 AM
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I think he's suggesting that every manager gets a development u21 team along with the main teams we have right now. Which I think is a brilliant idea btw

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290417.4 in reply to 290417.2
Date: 10/17/2017 6:37:57 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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Sorry I lost my initial message because of logout due to inactivity and had to rewrite it, and cut it because of the lenght. First of all, thank you for taking the time to read my suggestion.

The idea is to create a seperate U21 competition in which you can compete with your own players with your own team, so a U21 competition but for clubs instead of countries. I don't have a specific suggestion yet because I'd like to know if the idea and the benefits it tries to achive is deemed viable, before talking about actual implementation because the implementation could be done in different ways for different reasons (like server capacity, supporter requirement etc).

One way it could be implemented is that you can compete in this competition with players from your own team with age up to 21 years. Another way would be that you'd need to create a seperate U21 team like a Utopia team, but I'd prefer it if that wouldn't be necessary.

The competition could be like our regular competition with divisions, or a league to which you need to apply like private leagues. Another possibility is to make it a tournament style like the cup.

It doesn't really matter how it is implemented, as long as you can participate with your own team I think the benefits can be achieved, and that's what I wanted to discuss first.

Does this make it more clear, or should I work out the implementation in order to make it clear?

Also, thank you @Underwood for your reaction!

Last edited by Jeründerbar at 10/17/2017 6:52:54 AM

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290417.5 in reply to 290417.4
Date: 10/17/2017 7:14:58 AM
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That destroys the idea of Under 21... Just wait till you get one the incentive is the same no matter what imo...

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290417.7 in reply to 290417.6
Date: 10/17/2017 8:23:33 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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I see multiple options, and I don't have a specific preference as long as the benefits are achieved. I think we should look at what the easiest way to implement is.

Seeing that not every team will have enough players eligble for the U21 competition by default, I think a private league equivalent for U21 would be easy to implement, maybe as a pilot. You can apply for a private league that is specifically for U21 players, and nothing else needs to be done for it. In this case, it would be merely an addition to private leagues to make them U21 and it would be super easy to implement, though with only a small effect.

I think it would be nice to have a bigger/wider competition to increase the appeal, the adoption and thus the benefits. In the end it could be both national and international, but for now a national U21 club competition would be nice already. It could be the perfect step towards the current U21 NT competition; a U21 coach could scout the best players from the U21 club competition for his u21 team. That would lessen the burden on U21 coaches to guide managers to train U21 players, because they would now already have an incentive to train u21 players.

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290417.9 in reply to 290417.8
Date: 10/18/2017 5:05:19 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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Thank you for your feedback, and I concur that it might be difficult to implement, but that's why I'm sharing my idea here, so we can find a way to realize it together! As long as the benefits are worth it, a big implementation might not need to obstruct the realization of the idea.

To address your points:
Amount of U21 players on roster - yes currently most teams do not have enough youngsters. It can be solved to make it an optional competition, so competing teams might not join but rebuilding teams will. Another option is that managers will just purchase/train extra U21 players, as they can help in the cup too. To offset the extra salary for those players, the competition could generate money for wins or just ticket sales.

Minutes/gameshape - One way this could be solved is the minutes played in the U21 club games do not count against the weekly minutes for training/gameshape, like then National team games and B3. Another way, which might be even ideal, is let the minutes count, so the U21 (trainees) will make the 48 minutes in the U21 club games and then just as a backup in the real competition for the full team. We could even change the training system a little, so that players receive training for minutes played in the U21 competition (maybe even all positions). That way, managers don't need to play trainees in real competition games losing them games, but they can play them competitively against other trainees.

Achievements - I think the U21 club competition provides an opportunity for even more achievements, if that's important. I do not really value them, but I don't see a problem in adding extra to replace those that make less sense because of the competition.

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290417.10 in reply to 290417.9
Date: 10/18/2017 6:10:46 AM
Diamond Dogs
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I would suggest an expansion draft to fill out the U21 roster of around 10 trainees maybe? How this draft is conducted is up for discussion. U21 team members can be freely switched between your main team roster if you wish to play them in regular season games. Rookies drafted during the succeeding seasons can also be placed on the U21 roster or main roster as you see fit. A separate training schedule should be in place so both teams will have a chance to be trained. U21 games should generate income (but lesser than regular season ticket sales income) to cover for salaries.

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290417.11 in reply to 290417.10
Date: 10/18/2017 6:20:56 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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Thank you for your feedback! So you think it's best to have a seperate roster for U21? Don't you think it's possible to just keep 1 roster, which might be easier to manage and implement?

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290417.12 in reply to 290417.11
Date: 10/18/2017 6:43:37 AM
Diamond Dogs
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I think it would be easier to manage if you have a separate U21 roster since: 1.) You have separate U21 and regular season games and 2.) Separate training schedules. Although both rosters can benefit from the same training staff to reduce the potential cost of expanding. The U21 draft would be a bit tricky but I suggest it be similar to pre-season draft where you select prospects but not necessarily a team full of MVP and HoF potentials, some would be scrubs, some would be fired but in the end you should get a decent full U21 roster. I hope that helps.

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290417.13 in reply to 290417.12
Date: 10/18/2017 7:05:41 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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But we don't have a seperate cup roster while we do have seperate cup games right? I'm not sure about a seperate training shedule, but I do think there's potential to change the way training works with a U21 club competition. I think that deserves a seperate topic though, since it's a pretty big subject.
