there is no salary cap.
"Player Salaries Floor"
This, since I normally hold the Italian language I didn't know exactly the term .. but it seemed to me quite intuitable ..
I do not have accounts in red and that is not the case (although it would be interesting to understand how it would work in that case) ...
The speech you make on the TV contract is true .. shame that the TV revenue is a fixed gain, while salaries can vary and even by a lot (and then a tax was put on to avoid making teams too cheap ...)
The salaries have been linked to the spectators' receipts .. if you have no receipts from the spectators in the weeks of post season you do not pay salaries .. the last week has always been counted out of this rule for the future revenues of the following season .. but why do I have to pay a fine to get salaries below the threshold of a III when I get spectator revenue from IV ?!
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