montage is of fans from various areas bundled against the cold coming into the arenas all over the league which are festooned out in holiday splendor. Transitioning into a collection of highlights from opening night.
Announcer: as we head into the holidays the fans await their hoops feast. Some teams are already looking to get fat and happy, others are looking for morsels to scrounge and a couple even look to be prepping in the kitchen for future endeavors.
In big blue....
The Generals and bunnies look to bounce back after disappointing debuts.
The brewskies look to capitalize on their dramatic win over the bunnies against the noobie srar.
The breathers look to deal with a deronimo club that cruised on opening night
And the waffles look to work over a pride club that by current appearances is using this as a training season for the future
In club red
The kitties look to claim a road win against egg
Baconators look to take down the tornadoes
The Jack's and Inc square off to avoid the cellar
And the thieves seek to steal one at masters.
Sybil will have her say. Alfred and Lee get us ready for the holidays and our intrepid crew will tell us what they are giving thanks for this year. So put another log on the fire, it's all about to transpire as it's time again for BB2NIGHT!
Last edited by Coach Lambini at 11/26/2019 1:28:44 PM