It depends on what do you want them to be. Generally the lower the potential, the higher skills you want for a start.
Also depends if it is your own draftee or bought player.
Personally i would train my own with 45-50 TSP draft. And ~55 from the market at 18 years.
I would take allstar 18 year old 65+TSP, i would take 19 year old 60+ TSP with extremely good height and secondary skills, or both defenses at 8.
Now training is very fast and you can expect if training for NT at age 21 player to reach ~120TSP.
Other players allitle bit lower, because you wont train 18DR to perrenial allstar

For perrenial allstar:
Generally you can expect:
Age 18-19 ~20-25 ups if training driving.
age 19-20~15 ups second season training other stuff, but still primaries
age 20-21~12-10 ups third season training primaries
age 21-22~8-10 ups training primaries.
age 22+~3-5 ups training secondaries.
In big nations without 100 TSP at start of age 21 no chances to make U-21. At the end of U-21 season starters have 110-120 TSP.
So lets say:
18 years 50 TSP
19 years 70 TSP
20 years 85 TSP
21 year 95 TSP
22 year 105 TSP
In the market for trainable guys prices inadequate, so i suggest to start training from 18 year olds or your own draftees. As own draftees generate extra merchandise income.
Last edited by Vilkai [LTU NT] at 11/29/2020 2:47:42 PM