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Fan survey question

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319481.3 in reply to 319481.2
Date: 6/12/2023 6:31:50 AM
Tampines Fusion
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If you buy new the players, the second section will get better but the first section will get worse.

Not necessarily. That only happens if you do a total overhaul or something. If you buy 1 star player (who ends up being your highest paid player) it won't negativey affect your survey much (even if you sell him a couple of weeks later), but it will boost your ratings.

I had both at above 4 balls last season. This season the latter has dropped to 3 balls, but the first is still at 4.5 balls.

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319481.4 in reply to 319481.3
Date: 6/12/2023 11:01:32 AM
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Sure, it can happen. My point is, the vast majority of the time that is not how it works in my experience but it shouldn’t be something to fret over.

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