Season Count
Shunxuan 18 votes
Purba 13 votes
Weaving 13 votes
Arroba 9 votes
Bingshan 4 votes
Maloney 3 votes
Stanton 3 votes
Flood 2 votes
Lazaridis 1 vote
Congrats to nodunker of the bayside pacers with the top 2 vote getters! Shunxuan was a gameshape king, consistency in so many big games. Purba was also super important, particularly in the second half as his skillet developed onto super elite for u21. Well done also to MaximumSexyPigeon of the Rances Prances for his 2 trainees, including Weaving who tied for runner up mvp. These two formed a formidable guard lineup for us for the majority of the season and a really nice pg/sg combo.
Some great prospects ready to go for next season. Scouting will begin shortly and we await the scrimmage where potential players can have an opportunity to shine!