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Winning 50 - 0

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From: LennuK7

This Post:
325377.3 in reply to 325377.1
Date: 10/4/2024 1:54:32 AM
BC Eos
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
As Joruus just posted, you are still able to get all 48 minutes per position if you have filled out all starters, subs and reserves. I know that when an opponent just randomly forfeits a match, then you can't really do anything about it. Mostly you can see some signs before that someone is going to lose 50-0 to you, e.g. when they forfeited their last games or when they have sold most of their roster.

From: izak11

This Post:
325377.4 in reply to 325377.2
Date: 10/4/2024 5:16:28 AM
BC Böðvar
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
BC Böðvar II
thanks, I just put the starter in and no one for the backup and reserve roles - never failed me before

still think it is not optimal to have to put the same player as the starter. reserve and backup for him to get the full minutes tho...

From: LennuK7

This Post:
325377.5 in reply to 325377.4
Date: 10/4/2024 9:42:32 AM
BC Eos
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
thanks, I just put the starter in and no one for the backup and reserve roles - never failed me before

still think it is not optimal to have to put the same player as the starter. reserve and backup for him to get the full minutes tho...

I absolutely agree that this system could be looked at and maybe reworked at some time in the future. Recently someone had a similar problem as you and another manager proposed a system (but I did not find this post anymore to give appropriate credit), where each position and not player specifically is assigned 48 minutes, whereas the starter would get all of them, when no sub and reserve is assigned. Perhaps something like this could be a solution in the future.