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Nbrs are falling - Buzzerbeater whats wrong & how can it be fixed?

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From: tough
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251069.30 in reply to 251069.29
Date: 11/27/2013 9:35:56 PM
Mountain Eagles
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Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
I agree as well. If new teams are given great players to start off with (18 or 19 yr old guy with decent skills and Perrenial Allstar+ Potential) And then who understand training will get a hang of the game and will stay. When I first started out, I had no PAS under 19 except one guy by the name of James Coleman. When I read the guide and everything I was like "I actually got a decent player, I may stay." Then the fuel that gave me to stay was when I started winning. I probably wouldn't be around today if I was put in a higher league. (like for example some guys get placed in D4, which is a whole other level then D5)

Manages should be placed with new managers. That way its a more level playing field. Agree with Glass, maybe give them more scouting money so they can get the KD or Lebron. Just my op.

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
From: Mickyster

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251069.32 in reply to 251069.30
Date: 11/27/2013 10:14:38 PM
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For those wanting to play on tablets or phone use Puffin Browser. Works fine.

I think a new team could be given some draft points so they can even if they start just before the draft can have a look of it with me?

This Post:
251069.33 in reply to 251069.31
Date: 11/27/2013 11:50:56 PM
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The problem is the draft usually only has one or two quality guys at most...the rest are back-ups at best. -steve teriyaki

I agree 100%, This gets worse as team go up. People need players that can start off the bat from the draft with older players exiting the game or being sold to hold the team legacy afloat. In the higher league.

I think a lot are saying it unbalance the game, but I think it stop the tanking. It depend on how the BB guy's do this. I don't see any top league team playing a 3-5K rookie.

This Post:
251069.34 in reply to 251069.33
Date: 11/28/2013 2:29:33 AM
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I don't see any top league team playing a 3-5K rookie.

Yeah you will!! IT IS CALLED SCRIMMAGES!!!

From: Knecht
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251069.36 in reply to 251069.35
Date: 11/28/2013 4:12:36 AM
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You know what time it is! It's knecht time!

I have said this for a long time and we finally have to accept the fact that the game is too much for Marin as a lone person.

BB has HUGE deficits when it comes to marketing and PR, has absolutely no clue about necessary development (app) and fails when it comes to understanding problems and finding (easy) solutions.

I think the recent changes have been more or less clumsy attempts to fix a complex issue and from my point of view those fixes have made things even worse. There is a german word "verschlimmbessern" - it means to disimprove sthg. or to worsen a situation by a failed attempt to improve it. GDP is such a "Verschlimmbesserung" - it makes a complex game even more complicated and raises the bar for new users, who already have troubles to survive in an environment where established teams kill them game after game (this is reality for all countries - except the big ones).

Marketing is the next big problem. There are many ways to attract users, but if the realize that the product is bad - they will quit pretty soon. So here we have a vicious circle of problems - bad game design kills user retention, which is killed by no/low marketing budget.

So where should BB start?

I think we have to create a situation for new users that allows them to make (huge) mistakes and still be successful - i.e. put them in leagues they will dominate, no matter how bad they are playing. There are many options how to do this - raise the budget, give them better players, bigger stadium OR my long time favourite: put them in the lowest possible league! It will take them one or two seasons to get out there, they can learn the game under no pressure and have fun seeing their scrub players put up solid numbers game after game.

A situation where newbies have to sit around getting abused every game, for more than a year is not acceptable! I think by now this should be common sense, but apparantly its not...

The opportunity to get a second team would put many countries from zero to he..., um, well maybe "okay" - I would join a micronation if it was possible and I would be very happy if we had more teams in Austria. I love all my fellow countrymen (no homo), but a fresh breeze would be very welcome. If we could get like 10% of the current userbase join a second nation that would be uber-awesome.

There are DOZENS of other great suggestions out there, and it puzzles me why we see "random" features being introduced to the game season after season, especially considering the circumstances of a shrinking userbase.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
This Post:
251069.37 in reply to 251069.35
Date: 11/28/2013 4:22:33 AM
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Looking at my sons team new teams get 10 free draft points. Means his 1st draft is going to even more hit and miss.
He got his side in a Div III side and has no chance of getting a win this season. Why not put new teams in Div IV and give them some chance?

My fav idea is for teams who have played more then 3 seasons and have been more then 1 level above the bottom league in country who drop to the bottom league all go into the same league. This would mean is 5 or 6 teams tank together only 1 of them can bounce back up. And they all don't get a gun draft pick as reward.

As for giving new teams more cash then maybe some bonus payments over a period of time. So instead of giving them 300k on day one give them 50k a week for 10 weeks. So they are limited in what they can throw away in the short term.

This Post:
251069.39 in reply to 251069.38
Date: 11/28/2013 4:44:45 AM
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When a team goes bot leave them with their players in place to finish the season. A coachless side with decent players will perform better then a new team with 3k salary players and no idea.

This Post:
251069.40 in reply to 251069.33
Date: 11/28/2013 5:21:53 AM
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I think a lot are saying it unbalance the game, but I think it stop the tanking. It depend on how the BB guy's do this. I don't see any top league team playing a 3-5K rookie.

I single positioned trained 3 SF trainees who I would give either 48 mins in either the PG or C position, (one trainee in each of my 3 games a week) and I managed to be competitive in Div II in Australia and also the Cup, whilst doing so.

Yes Div II in Australia might be weaker than Div 2 in some of the larger Nations, and yes Im also an experienced Manager and the rest of my team was pretty good, but the fact was that I proved that it could be done.
