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Season 45

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298126.30 in reply to 298126.29
Date: 5/4/2019 1:48:42 PM
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Thanks guys!!!!! And thanks SHP for the good finals!
I really didn't expect to be able to take down the title, especially when it's the first time I've finally cleared the road block in SSBC to finally get into the finals... Took me more than 40 seasons, ten years... many players coming and leaving, trying to groom local players, failing in some and doing better in others.. Winning the Cup the last season was a bonus to me, and as much as I try to continue to push in the league knowing that it's now or never, I didn't actually think that this day would really come... This is probably as far as this team can go and I'm not sure what my plans for next season is gonna be.. But guess now it's just time to let the players enjoy the victory and celebrate their hard work!

Appreciate all the bros who've been through BB all these years, even though we may not know each other much but I do think it's a wonderful little (shrinking) community we have here and I still enjoy the game after ten years. Feels like I can retire in peace now 😂

Hope that everyone will continue fighting, the vets to start being more active again, the newcomers to strive and one day take over the top teams, and even the old players to join back us here.

From: japanguro

To: V
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298126.31 in reply to 298126.30
Date: 5/6/2019 9:34:10 PM
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Congratz bro!

Can´t believe I picked 1st the 221 HOF guy and went to BOT lemak power as league pick 1st


This Post:
298126.32 in reply to 298126.31
Date: 5/6/2019 9:44:27 PM
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Congratz bro!

Can´t believe I picked 1st the 221 HOF guy and went to BOT lemak power as league pick 1st


You say like that, how my heart pain you know? My LKX didn’t choose from MVP every Seasons😭.

From: V

This Post:
298126.33 in reply to 298126.31
Date: 5/7/2019 4:10:32 AM
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Thanks bro!

Haha oh man wasted..

This Post:
298126.34 in reply to 298126.31
Date: 5/7/2019 11:26:57 PM
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I got an MVP 18yo REALLY poor..

From: LDS

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298126.35 in reply to 298126.34
Date: 5/7/2019 11:29:43 PM
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I am selling 2 potential player..

From: LDS

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298126.36 in reply to 298126.35
Date: 5/26/2019 9:35:08 AM
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PhantoMech vs. LionDash 126 - 128

might be the highlighted game of the season. Infront of the carpark arena, it the battle of the PG of both team and LDS got the lucky edge due to home ground advantage.

the match was a close game right after L Chun Chi score a late 3 which different cut to 1. Everyone was worry how the game will end as the time still left with 1:45min. However both team struggle with offense which ended with YSY score the last free throw ended with 2 point diff.

YSY: both team play hard.. T. Tikker is a crafty player and he refused to give up the play. We are lucky to get this win. We hope to use this win to continue our winning streak.

From: V

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298126.37 in reply to 298126.36
Date: 5/26/2019 10:53:13 AM
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Good game bro! Your team is really becoming scary quickly... beating me away last season and now at home!

From: LDS

To: V
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298126.38 in reply to 298126.37
Date: 5/26/2019 11:28:04 PM
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is a lucky win :), cant wait to play with your team again!

From: LDS
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298126.39 in reply to 298126.1
Date: 5/29/2019 6:01:29 AM
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LionDash vs. Singapore Slingers BC 125 - 123

Another highlight season for LionDash. during the 4th quarter all hope was lost for liondash, it was jacky and Khoury that bought the team back on track and score the tied till the end of 4th quarter. During the OT match the match was a close game where each team try to outscore each other. Justin chew the onces legend SG carried the team by doing all the things he can till the end. However on the 11 second, with the crowd looking to second OT, khoury get the rebound and player were lock in for jacky and khoury. YSY makes a play by passing into unexpected player, E.Brown. Brown mange to end the game with a slam dunk buzzerbeater and ended the game. The crowd was shocked and LDS player all surrounded brown for the celebration.

Brown: I was make for the shot. Brunner was tired guarding justin and coach decide me to finish the job. I am born to hit it.

YSY: nothing else to say. I saw justin moving towards Khoury and jacky postiion. I know I have to make the play. It was dangerous but it was rewarded. It was a awesome win for us.

funfact : Next game is the important game for both team as one team will handled the opponent the first lost of the season.

From: V

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298126.40 in reply to 298126.39
Date: 5/29/2019 3:53:25 PM
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Wow just realised what kind of grueling schedule is this pitting the top 4 teams against each other successively?!
Anw good job to LDS and oliviateam so far maintaining a perfect record, may the best team win the next game...
