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Whats the ideal arena size and makeup?

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306600.30 in reply to 306600.28
Date: 10/18/2020 4:49:51 AM
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Typically if you lower the prices by x% the increase in seats sold is more than x%, provided of course you are within the constraints of the game (i.e. you can't sell seats you don't have and there are overall caps to how many seats you can sell -it used to be 20.5k). This is another reason why courtside are great, because you can control the price more finely, while bleachers are hard to control.

There is nothing out there to help you figure out the optimal price for your own configuration before and after an expansion. There is some guesswork involved, but you can test on your own arena and look at others as well. We do know that in most cases the demand curves are not linear. For example: if you hike the courtside by 5%, you will likely see seats sold drop on average by 7% and then you will know that for small increases in the number of seats you can probably expect something similar in the opppsite direction. Looking at other users' arenas to figure out a correct pricing is nothing new, however there are a bunch of factors at play there, that are team specific (PR, survey, ranking and record etc.). With the option of changing prices before every home game, you should be able to figure this out pretty quickly. At worst you can calculate assuming the curve is linear, so x% change in price = x% change in seats sold. This is unlikely to give you any different result on which category of seats will pay itself back faster.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 10/18/2020 4:58:22 AM

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306600.31 in reply to 306600.30
Date: 10/23/2020 10:49:31 PM
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can i ask you a question?
looking at my arena attendance, do you think i'm able to reach 10k LT if i lower enough the price ? do i have to raise as well the bleachers price? if i read correctly you wrote that LT are sold before bleachers so if i'm not solding out the LT it means i'm not lowering the price enough correct?

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306600.32 in reply to 306600.31
Date: 10/24/2020 4:00:39 AM
Karma Chameleons
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Karma Bears
Not just that, there Is a certain number of fans that are willing to pay till 24$ for LT more or less 5000 in your case, but there are other that are willing to pay maybe 20$ so that second group didnt buy LT and they Will buy bleachers instead at 12$ in your case

Lowering LT till 20$ you Will sell LT ti this group of fans

So probably you cant reach 10k LT cause there arent enough fans willing to pay 20$ at the moment

Last edited by Camy at 10/24/2020 4:01:33 AM

Homegrown since...ever
This Post:
306600.33 in reply to 306600.31
Date: 10/24/2020 7:41:01 AM
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You have the luxury of being able to set the perfect pricing by manipulating LT and Bleachers.

If you lower the price of the LT you will get 10k for sure. You already know you can sell 19,382 seats at $12 don't you? So if you lower the price of LT to $12 you will definitely sell out LT and then you should sell 9,382 bleachers. While this is how it should go, you would obviously lose money that way, as you lose money every time you set the price too low and sell out a section of the stands.

The real question is how much do you need to lower the price to get close to selling out and whether that will make you more money or not. We know that in most cases if you lower the price by 10% you will sell more than 10% extra seats, so it's usually worth it, but we don't know for sure this would happen in all cases (for example in situations where the prices are very low). Keep in mind people usually draw this conclusion from the more expensive seat categories that are more stable, but bleachers are volatile and it's likely that price has a lower impact compared to other factors.

Going back to my first sentence, if I was you, I would experiment with (relatively small) changes and try to figure out if there are benefit from lowering or hiking LT and bleachers. The reality is, given your massive arena it's unlikely to make much of a difference either way if you change the price of both sections by the same amount (say 9%), because if you increase the LT price and lower bleachers, the loss in one category will be mostly made up by the extra profit in the other category.

Also the benefit of higher LT has been observed in D1 and, while it appeared fairly uncontroversial, it was quite small, so I would be surprised if you can establish with certainty that lowering LT will get you some more money in D2.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 10/24/2020 7:47:20 AM

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306600.34 in reply to 306600.31
Date: 10/28/2020 6:24:54 AM
The Defenders
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The D-fenders
when dealing with large arena consider using tv station level 3, it helps, i can confirm
also consider having a superior PR. advanced does not really cut it.

on a separate note, I have xperimenting w arenas over past 4 seasons. not jsut mine but encouraging local users to do so as well, implicitly gathering more data.

while i agree there is a corelation between how LT and BL are filled, even on my best day, with all the optimisation, 100% positive fan survey, in div 2 i've never seen someone gain more than 400k or 410k$ for one regular seaons game.
the point is, in D2 i think there is a global cap.

in D1 i am not necessarily sure if such a cap exists. most i ve gotten was 603k, granted wth the help of promotion fan boost

now with no fan boost but with all the positive variables i am earning around 560k$.

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306600.36 in reply to 306600.35
Date: 10/28/2020 8:24:08 AM
The Defenders
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The D-fenders
As ibsaid. I am unsure about a cap for div1. But am pretty sure there is one for div 2.

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306600.38 in reply to 306600.37
Date: 10/31/2020 8:43:56 PM
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Yes that's my feeling also and I'm not sure where the break-even point is. Lots of LT only give a little bit more money for top tier teams in D1. If you can make around 575k-600k gates (I have seen teams averaging above that with bleachers at 19 or 20), then lots of LT can give you a little extra profit, but I wouldn't advise that. 15/5 14/6 are more reliable ratios at all levels and are also cheaper

Last edited by Lemonshine at 10/31/2020 8:46:29 PM

This Post:
306600.39 in reply to 306600.38
Date: 11/4/2020 1:14:25 AM
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Hello, i want to share my first try to understand if i can fulfill LT.
i'm running a pretty succesful run this season in II with a 14/1 run for now. Overall fans happiness is 4 balls, with only 2 low morale category (lost the rival match and exit from the cup too soon in the season).

My income this season was very stable. in the last 3 matches i was gaining around 370k.

10/10/2020 League Game against Clochards $ 369 006
17/10/2020 League Game against Catalinas $ 369 669
24/10/2020 League Game against InteramniaUrbs $ 372 561
i was running this number of spectators more or less
bl lt Courtside luxury
14248 5237 499 49

now i decreased to minimum lt price and increased a bit bleachers ( did this because i calculated that if lt would have arrived around 9k i expect bl to be mamimum 11k so i needed to increase the price a bit) to see number of fans. i beat the first side of opposite conference in an awqay game and i was playing at home vs the second seed of opposite conference. so i think this is my peak morale of season, bettern then this is not possible.
the reason was a net decrease of income of 40k. Yes i increased lt but bleachers dropped a lot.
bl lt Courtside luxury
7494 8712 500 50

so now i think there's really a cap of the income. dunno if possible to reach400k , any though to adjust prices?

This Post:
306600.40 in reply to 306600.39
Date: 11/6/2020 6:02:23 AM
Karma Chameleons
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Second Team:
Karma Bears
I think that you should try 12 18 103 500 as prices, cause your drop as been caused by decreased bl from 14k to 7k

with bl 12 lt 18 all fan willing to pay between >12 and <24 will buy BL ticket

Last edited by Camy at 11/6/2020 6:02:46 AM

Homegrown since...ever