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Injuries should go to hell

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From: Jowii07

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319263.30 in reply to 319263.26
Date: 06/13/2023 12:54:44
Casa Targaryen
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Thanks but it isn't the point about I am talking about.

From: E.B.W.

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319263.31 in reply to 319263.30
Date: 06/13/2023 15:24:41
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If you say so. I’d argue if you buy a better doctor and/or invest in a taping specialty doctor, you would have much fewer problems that you were posting about. Im proposing a direct solution to the problem that you are having. If you were just wanting to vent though, I understand. Injuries can be frustrating.

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
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319263.33 in reply to 319263.32
Date: 06/13/2023 20:03:05
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His skills should not be diminished when he returns to the game.

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
From: Jowii07
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319263.34 in reply to 319263.33
Date: 06/15/2023 15:01:54
Casa Targaryen
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This game is a shi* with injuries I will leave it in 3,2,1,..

From: E.B.W.
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319263.36 in reply to 319263.35
Date: 06/15/2023 19:51:29
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Imagine playing a game for 5 and a half years and then randomly quitting because a feature that was part of the game since you started just so happens to still be a part of the game now.

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
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319263.37 in reply to 319263.36
Date: 06/16/2023 03:50:42
Súria Lakers
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Súria Lakers II
Couldn't it be possible to swap from days/weeks to games on injury length?

1-2 games - short injury length
3-4 games - medium injury length
5 games - long injury length

Only league and cup/scrimmages games would substract games from the countdown. In the end it'd be similar at what we have right now but in a more specific way.
Nowadays when an injury occurs on a certains levels, media doesn't told it like a "X days injury". You are more probable of have heard "He's expected to lose 4 to 5 games".

Of course I'd minimize the maximum amount of an injury length. If I'm not mistaken, it's something around 30 days now and in the worst case scenario this could be 4 entire weeks or 12 games + recovery time with bad shape.
This, on a 12-ish week season might be a bit too much, especially if you think on a 6-7-8 players roster (what the game pushes you to).

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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319263.38 in reply to 319263.37
Date: 06/16/2023 04:54:57
C.B Torcal
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Antequera C.B
I’m agree with this. I think that this game needs to have injuries, as they are a crucial part in real life, but take into account that this is a game I would reduce the length of them. Sometimes it’s really frustrating when you prepare a project for a long time and as economy is tight, and being able to afford another extra wage to cover an injury it’s really expensive, I think that reducing the length would maintain the level of realism of the game but also would make easier to keep the users attracted to the game. In my opinion would be a good way of keeping our newcomers to the game, and I repeat it would reducing them not taken them out of BB.

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319263.40 in reply to 319263.39
Date: 06/16/2023 11:08:35
Súria Lakers
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Súria Lakers II

Only league and cup/scrimmages games would substract games from the countdown. In the end it'd be similar at what we have right now but in a more specific way.

This would be the solution.

I don't understand all the backlash with the new injuries display : it gives us more information without altering the way it works. It's just perfect.
Changing days remaining to games would be a lot more complicated since all games don't count and the number of days between games isn't the same.

No it doesn't... It give you more ambiguous information.

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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