Katsas Dutch Pacers lost to the BBBAfter the meeting and also ended the participation of the Peruvian team in the BBB. Katsas was unable to Dutch Pacers. The team lost the world number 13 against number 50.What happened? Before the match started, last week I had the opportunity to talk via bb-mail to manager of Katsas Crono T and he was very optimistic about the rival box saying that they were superior and he would be difficult to beat. He had already won ESV Laim ... He was not afraid of anybody said. But today ...they lost.I'm proud that a team has very high self-esteem and confidence involved. It's something that should be emphasized. But what happened??As I had noticed from last week, from my point of view, the Dutch Pacers were slightly higher. Today we saw were much higher ratings with a better defense, strong double-leading and having a cool interior attack. It's the end of the BBB, but we are very happy with the campaign and representation. We came all Peruvians to the end 16vos. We long to reach the quarterfinals again soon as did the Riders.Regards to all, keep putting stuff!!