Playing consecutive CTs is not suicide, as the CT effect is not decreased with the decreasing enthusiasm so you can compensate the lower enthusiasm.
Do you have the same ratings when playing TIE?
Playing consecutive CTs is not suicide, as the CT effect is not decreased with the decreasing enthusiasm so you can compensate the lower enthusiasm.This is sillyLet's say it this way: You say CT always gives you the same amount of performance... Let's say 2 points... If you have Enthusiasm of 5, 5 + 2 = 7... If you drop to Enthusiasm of 1, 1 + 2 = 3... Then, with Enthusiasm of 1, you'll still be bad even if you play CT...Or you wanna say that you'll always perform the same when playing CT? If it's that way, everything else is irrelevant, let us all play CT every game
Anyway I will take the risk and play Normal...otherwise there was no sense to build up the Entusiasm before the PO, I have played Normal already vs CT in away court and I won, I was playing all the time TIE against normal, away or at home and I won....I think there is no problem of playing Normal....Remember there will allways be losers and someone who will always blame about something....and I believe that this game is not just about TIE/N/CT.....!!!Plus I will have home team advantage in all games except 2nd final game...