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278844.31 in reply to 278844.30
Date: 12/25/2017 8:40:39 AM
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賽季 40:國家合併、發展日程表,以及新的訓練教程!(下)

我們現在正式公佈第 41 賽季的開始,將會持續我們的 國家合併計畫。如你們多數人所理解的,非洲聯邦的結合最終是相當成功的,並且參與其中的玩家們非常樂見這新的形式以及競爭的增長。所以從現在起,我們決定在日後繼續追加三個新的合併群體:美洲聯邦、歐洲聯邦,以及亞洲聯邦。命名尚未決定,但是這些群體會由活躍玩家數目不到 20 人的國家所組成,所以你也可以輕易地由此而得知自己的國家會不會進入合併的群體。(我們已經釋出這些國家的名單在論壇上了,您可以藉此轉至該論壇集中討論帖,請點擊此處。同樣我們也接受來自大家的命名意見,請各位不吝惜一同參與討論!)

第 39 賽季 B3 冠軍盃賽的冠軍由 Sahand 所率領的 I Love Tehran 球隊所拿下。以 109-87 的比分擊敗了對手 LA-The "Doctor" 所領軍的 Detroit Pistons Motor City 球隊。這是 Sahand 自 27 賽季後的第二個冠軍獎盃!

而 B3 預測的優勝者們為 Frankie Theildo、aussie dude、Sister Niu。讓我們一同為他們祝賀吧!獲得的獎勵 ─ 支持者包裹將會隨即發放給他們,相信他們會喜歡的!

在一場美妙絕倫的比賽中,法國 U21 以 88-78 的比分擊敗了 西班牙 U21 球隊。比賽過程中,法國在第四節初雖然處於落後局勢,但他們最終奮力逆轉了 7 分的比分差,並打出一波高潮順勢拿下了整場比賽。這無疑是碩大的勝利,尤其對手是 2 連霸的冠軍前得主。

成年國家隊將會進軍至 喬治亞 Sakartvelo 並各自準備好為自己的『世界冠軍』頭銜一戰。


發佈者: BB-Marin 2017/10/2 上午 10:07:51

Last edited by little Guest at 12/25/2017 8:41:04 AM

This Post:
278844.32 in reply to 278844.31
Date: 12/25/2017 8:41:33 AM
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發展日程表 - 少許補充

There has been a lot of talk about our new development calendar in the forums lately. And since it only got briefly mentioned in the new season post we thought we could share our thoughts on it.

We recognize that our development pace has decreased in the past few years, and that needed to change. According to everyone in the community and on the forums, adding new features is the number one thing we can do to improve the BuzzerBeater experience. To that end we hired two new members to the development team.

So, what does this mean regarding the development calendar? Big changes in the GE, or things that change the feel of BB gameplay are not to be expected. Such changes will, just as always, be announced in a news post before implementation. We will however, focus on adding content outside of the actual gameplay. These might be new features, but aren't limited to them. Helping more users get to experience already developed features can also be considered a major development, if not a "feature", in the narrow sense of the word.

Our goal is to make the game as fun as possible for as many people as possible and as a first step, we have introduced the Supporter Tier pricing. A flat Supporter pricing structure has been kept since the beginning of BB, at $40 for a year, $12 for 3 months. Despite increasing expenditures, we haven't increased this once in over 10 years. If you look at our demographics and purchase history, we have 5 countries responsible for over 50% of our Supporter purchases (or 10 countries for 70%+, or 15 for 80%+, or 24 for 90%+), while almost 40% of our BB countries don't have even a single Supporter.

This isn't surprising, in some of our countries the cost of a year's worth of Supporter is equal to the price of a single dinner for one person, and in other countries its more than the price of a full month's rent. Pricing in this way is not fair or equitable to the majority of our users, and it's certainly not in line with our goal of making the game accessible. This change was long overdue.

Now we have made sure that more people can afford the best way of enjoying BuzzerBeater, by being a Supporter. While this game is primarily a labor of love, it's still a business with lots of expenses, and we need to make sure we cover those moving forward. This change is expected to increase the company's revenue, and we plan on reinvesting that back in to the community.

But doing so will require a change to our Supporter pricing, and it was either a change like this, to make it more equitable for everyone around the world, or it was raising the price in line with the last 10 years of inflation(like many other games have done). The BuzzerBeater team feels strongly that we picked the right approach, and we all hope that you will continue to support our game as we commit to bringing new features and fresh life to the website and community.

Remember that in order to keep the game moving forward we need your help. Luckily, all you need to do is to go to the suggestions forum and let us know what you think this game needs in the future.

發佈者: BB-Marin 2017/11/17 上午 05:06:54

Last edited by little Guest at 1/17/2018 8:41:43 PM

This Post:
278844.33 in reply to 278844.32
Date: 12/25/2017 8:55:04 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

重要性 釋出日期 發展描述 連結
一般 2017/10/16 場館預覽 & 狀態搜索 & 最近球賽戰術設置 (290412.1)
重大 2017/11/01 支持者階級 ─ 依照國家收入水準進行收費分級 (290580.1)
一般 2017/11/15 論壇發文紀錄,以及更多 (290769.1)
一般 2017/12/01 傷病紀錄、轉會名單分類,以ˊ及更多 (290905.1)

Last edited by little Guest at 1/17/2018 8:40:56 PM

This Post:
278844.34 in reply to 278844.33
Date: 4/15/2018 7:17:16 AM
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BB世界現在已經有三個 “洲際聯賽”,歐洲聯盟、亞洲,以及美洲,這三個聯賽已經有眾多的熱情經理想要在這些嶄新的、競爭激烈的環境裡證明他們的能力。這個更新雖然發生了一些小問題,但是並沒有造成太大的影響,不妨礙他為BB開啟了一篇嶄新的章節。我們察覺未來有可能會有些國家及地區需要加入這些洲際聯賽,或甚至玩家數足夠成長成獨立的國家聯賽,我們已經做好足夠的準備要在情況真的發生時掌控情況。

我們好用可是老舊的Mibbit chat聊天功能被駭客侵入了,我們覺得是時候該更換他了。我們找到了新的無廣告聊天功能,叫作Kiwi chat,相信你們會漸漸喜歡上他的。他的基本功能就跟之前的Mibbit一樣,只是在IRC客戶端上增加了一些新的功能。盡情地享受線上討論,並且請在論壇上面提供你的任何意見及建議!


我們很高興的宣布賽季40的B3冠軍由Sahand所率領的I Love Tehran拿下。經過了精彩的第三節比賽後,他最終擊敗了Relent,比數為 75-94。這是Sahand繼賽季27以及賽季39之後所拿下的第三個冠軍獎盃,這也代表著他取得了兩連霸!

另外B3競猜的優勝者是來自台灣的黑血球、來自挪威的 Vinger (U21-Norway Coach),以及來自塞爾維亞的kkvihor,恭喜他們!優勝的獎勵 ─ 免費的支持者禮包已經送達優勝者手中,相信他們會喜歡的!

由A_Norris所率領的西班牙奪得了上季的世界冠軍錦標賽,他們擊敗了由LA-Edwin(MZ)所帶領的中國國家隊。西班牙用17分的領先結束了第一節,讓這場比賽有個美好的開始。衛冕者無法將比分追平,最後就以95-86結束了這場比賽。也因此西班牙取得了國家隊的世界排名第一。 這季將會是U21的世界冠軍錦標賽,記得要去墨西哥支持自己國家的隊伍喔!


發佈者: BB-Marin 2018/1/12 上午 03:15:28

Season 41: The merge, continued

We’ve had our hands full with three new “macronations” created in the BB universe. Nations of Europe, Asia and America have all started their existence full of managers eager to prove their worth in this new, very competitive environment. The launch has had its share of issues, but nothing serious and this really does open a new page for BB. We are aware that some time in the future there might be cases where other countries need to join micronations or, in a more positive scenario, some will grow large enough to be “extracted” and continue on their own but we are now ready to handle all these cases and will act when necessary.

Our good old Mibbit chat has sadly been hacked and we decided it was time to replace it. We’ve now found a new, ad free solution in Kiwi chat which, we’re sure, you’ll surely grow fond of. The basic functions are here, just like they were in Mibbit, with even a bit more added as Kiwi seems to be a more advanced irc client. Enjoy your live discussions and feel free to give us your comments and suggestions in the forums!

Along with all that, we are working on a major new feature that will be released at the beginning of February, as the development calendar shows. More on this as we release it.

We are happy to announce that the Season 40 BuzzerBeater’s Best winner was I Love Tehran with manager Sahand. With great performance in the third quarter he beat Relent in the final game 75-94. This is the third B3 trophy for Sahand after his first one in season 27 and a second one in season 39, so twice in a row now!

The B3 prediction contest winners are manager 黑血球 from Taiwan , followed by Vinger (U21-Norway Coach) from Norge, and in third place, the Serbian manager kkvihor. Congratulations to all of them! Free Supporter packages have been already awarded to the winners, and we know they will enjoy them!
España coached by A_Norris was the best National Team in the World Championship. They beat the

China National Team coached by LA-Edwin(MZ). España had a great opening of the match with 17 points difference in the first quarter. The defender of the title was unable to pull back and the match ended 95-86. With this, España took the first place in national team rankings. This season it’s the U21 championships, so make sure to follow them in Mexico.
Thank you for reading and all the best in the new season!

Posted by: BB-Marin 1/12/2018 4:15:28 AM

Last edited by little Guest at 12/20/2020 1:43:18 AM

This Post:
278844.35 in reply to 278844.34
Date: 4/15/2018 7:25:11 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

重要性 釋出日期 發展描述 連結
重大 2018/02/01 球隊行事曆 (292402.1)
一般 2018/02/16 冠軍盃腰帶及未設置陣容提醒 (292523.1)
一般 2018/03/16 國家隊及國家相關數據、受傷細節,以及論壇忽視功能 (292764.1)
一般 2018/04/01 重播速度控制鍵、跳過鍵,以及更多 (292936.1)

This Post:
278844.36 in reply to 278844.35
Date: 7/22/2018 8:43:33 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
歡迎來到賽季 42!

我們很高興地宣布B3的冠軍再度由Sahand所率領的I Love Tehran拿下。由於最後一節精彩的表現,他在決賽以113-95的比數擊敗了由darkonza領軍的Młoty Stargard。這是Sahand的第四座B3冠軍,同時也代表著他在賽季39、40及41取得了B3冠軍盃賽的三連霸!

B3競猜的優勝者是來自塞爾維亞的cenzoteam13,第二名有三位,分別是來自克羅埃西亞的Coach K.、以及來自法國的The Dr3am及triggerman,最後第三名是由來自義大利的Ubiond (ITA U21 Scout),恭喜他們!免費的支持者禮包已經送至優勝者手中,相信他們會喜歡的!

由Calgar_ (U21 Spanish Coach) 率領的España U21 奪得了U21世界錦標賽的冠軍,他們擊敗了由Jkalltheway所領軍的United States U21。España U21打了一場優異的比賽,他們在每一節的比數都取得領先,並且最後以19分的巨大差距贏得了比賽,比數為82-63。藉由這座冠軍España U21取得了世界排名第一。這賽季將會是成人國家隊的世界錦標賽,記得為自己的國家隊加油!


發佈者: BB-Marin 2018/4/14 下午 09:09:35

Welcome to season 42!

We are happy to announce that the last seasons BuzzerBeater’s Best winner was again I Love Tehran with manager Sahand. With great performance in the last quarter he beat Młoty Stargard managed by darkonza in the final game 113-95. This is the fourth B3 trophy for Sahand after his first one in season 27, the second one in season 39 and the third in season 40, so three times in a row now!

The B3 prediction contest winners are manager cenzoteam13 from Serbia, followed by Coach K. from Croatia, the French manager The Dr3am and triggerman all sharing second place, and in third place Ubiond (ITA U21 Scout) from Italy. Congratulations to all of them! Free Supporter packages have been already awarded to the winners, and we know they will enjoy them!

España U21 coached by Calgar_ (U21 Spanish Coach) was the best National Team in the U21 World Championship. They beat the United States U21 National Team coached by Jkalltheway. España U21 had a great game, winning each quarter and won the game with a big lead of 19 points difference. 82-63. With this, España U21 took the first place in national team rankings. This season it’s the National team championship, so make sure to follow them.

Thank you for reading and all the best in the new season!

Posted by: BB-Marin 4/14/2018 10:09:35 PM

Last edited by little Guest at 12/20/2020 1:44:29 AM

This Post:
278844.37 in reply to 278844.36
Date: 7/22/2018 8:47:25 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

重要性 釋出日期 發展描述 連結
重大 2018/05/12 球衣設計空間 (294152.1)
重大 2018/06/22 次要工作人員 (294450.1)

Last edited by little Guest at 7/26/2018 9:34:21 PM

This Post:
278844.38 in reply to 278844.37
Date: 10/27/2018 1:42:42 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
歡迎來到賽季 43!

上個賽季的B3冠軍盃賽有個特別的記錄產生了,那就是首次有來自烏托邦聯賽的球隊奪得了B3冠軍獎盃!由Darkonako所率領的Folgado Lakers II在一場充滿驚濤駭浪的比賽中以98:86的比數擊敗了由Ordem e Progresso領軍的Dallas #5並取得了榮譽。Folgado Lakers II在第二節取得了關鍵領先,並且將其維持住使得Dallas #5無法在比賽剩餘的時間內將落後的差距彌平。這不但是烏托邦球隊取得的第一個B3冠軍獎盃,同時也是Darkonako所取得的第一座。




發佈者: BB-Marin 2018/7/24 上午 12:10:11

Welcome to Season 43!

Last season something special happened with the Buzzerbeater’s Best competition. For the first time, a Utopia team won the B3! The Folgado Lakers II and their manager Darkonako took the prize over Dallas #5 managed by Ordem e Progresso in a thrilling game with 98:86. The second quarter proved crucial as the Lakers were able to build up the lead and Dallas was unable to close the gap for the rest of the game. This is not only the first win for a Utopia team, but also the first one for Darkonako.

The B3 prediction contest winners are as follows: first place goes to JustJokin from Australia, followed by Philharmonic from Turkey at the second, with Aragorn (Ukraine) and Cotanak-28 (Turkey) sharing third place. Congratulations to all of them! Free Supporter packages have been already awarded to the winners, and we know they will enjoy them!

The World Championship was won by Lithuania, coached by the famed kozlik4. They beat the Poland National Team coached by Campos. Lithuania had a great game, winning each quarter and secured the Cup with an awesome performance ending with a commanding lead of 23 points difference. With this, Lithuania also took the first place in national team rankings. This season it’s the U21 National Team championship, so make sure to follow them as they are hosted in Croatia!

Thank you for reading and all the best in the new season!

Posted by: BB-Marin 7/24/2018 12:10:11 AM

Last edited by little Guest at 6/6/2020 4:54:41 AM

This Post:
278844.39 in reply to 278844.37
Date: 10/27/2018 1:47:21 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

重要性 釋出日期 發展描述 連結
一般 2018/07/30 自定義選單 (295530.1)
重大 2018/09/05 場館建設 ─ 第一部分 (295938.1)
一般 2018/10/17 場館建設 ─ 第二部分 (296254.1)

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This Post:
278844.41 in reply to 278844.39
Date: 2/1/2019 4:47:36 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
歡迎來到賽季 44!

賽季43的 B3冠軍盃賽優勝者是由antani率領的sderenati team。他在一場驚心動魄的逆轉秀中擊敗了由Hong Kong領軍的bigshoes,比數為 103-91。請記住,您可以隨時從我們的世界頁面來確認B3冠軍盃賽的完整歷史,同時您也可以在此看到最佳經理排名、國家隊比賽結果、以及更多的資訊。


U21世界錦標賽冠軍由江哥ˊ執教的China奪得,他們擊敗了Pro5F帶領的Taiwan U21。China在前三節就建立了足夠的領先優勢,讓他們可以穩穩地取得冠軍獎盃。這季的成人國家隊世界錦標賽將會由Colombia來舉辦。

發佈者: BB-Marin 2018/10/28 上午 05:40:30

Welcome to season 44!

The season 43 BuzzerBeater’s Best winner was sderenati team with manager antani. He beat bigshoes with manager bigshoes in a very exciting final match full of twists and turns 103-91. Remember, you can always check out the full history of the B3 contest in our World page, as well as the best manager rankings, national team results and more.

The B3 prediction contest winners are as follows: first place goes to kavala44 from Greece, followed by ovidius second and tersluy clinching the third place, both hailing from Italy. Congratulations to all of them! Free Supporter packages have been already awarded to the winners, so don't miss the contest next season for a chance to win!

The U21 World Championship was won by China, coached by 江哥, beating the finalists Taiwan U21 coached by Pro5F. China won the first three quarters, building more than enough points difference to secure the trophy. This season the NT world championships are hosted in Colombia.

Posted by: BB-Marin 10/28/2018 4:40:30 AM

Last edited by little Guest at 6/6/2020 4:56:47 AM
