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Day/Week Trading Abuse Report Guidelines

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314820.31 in reply to 314820.22
Date: 5/10/2022 4:48:57 AM
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Bueno, con la porquería de plantilla inicial que adjudica el juego a un novato (absolutamente inutilizable salvo para ser víctima propiciatoria del grupo) es difícil comprender esta medida. A fin de cuentas, quienes pueden pagar cantidades elevadas por un jugador son los usuarios veteranos del juego. A nadie le gusta permanecer en un juego que condena al usuario novato a permanecer en la cola del pelotón durante toda una temporada (¡o dos!). Si alguien se ve agraciado por el draft, no veo razón alguna para que tenga esa opción de mejorar su economía para mejorar su plantilla y tener opciones competitivas. Nadie juega para aburrirse.
Si algo hay que mejorar decididamente en este juego es, precisamente, la plantilla inicial que se adjudica al nuevo usuario. No es ni mínimamente aceptable que apenas figuren uno o dos jugadores aceptables (en el mejor de los casos) en la plantilla inicialmente adjudicada al nuevo usuario, y que el resto sea auténtica basura desechable de inmediato, sin utilidad alguna ni siquiera para pelear contra los bots.

Last edited by Penáguila at 5/10/2022 4:54:23 AM

From: khenry

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314820.32 in reply to 314820.27
Date: 5/10/2022 5:33:39 AM
Shrewsbury Honeybadgers
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There are already restrictions on buying high salary players based on WR. Players with low WR are already then regarded as “babies” for their own financial safety.

You keep talking about objectivity but so much of your plan leaves decision making at the subjective level. There should be far less subjective enforcement from the GM/CM/etc.

From: mink0ff

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314820.33 in reply to 314820.32
Date: 5/10/2022 6:12:09 AM
BC Vitosha Sofia
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Second Team:
Sofia Alpha Dogz
This beats even the exhaustion for a most pornographic "improvement" of the game...

BBB: 2 (S37 S38); Top tier: 7 (S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S41 S63); Cup: 9 (S25 S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S40 S41 S61)
From: ivanka
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314820.34 in reply to 314820.27
Date: 5/10/2022 6:21:50 AM
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Every good player will reach really good price.
So, let starting price for every player (stuff member) on TL be only $1, and bid war will decide what's real worth of everyone.

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314820.38 in reply to 314820.36
Date: 5/10/2022 6:58:09 AM
Kerbal Space Program
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I am not against that a scam should be punished, but against the criteria in the post.

The criteria of fraud is to compare the price of a trade with the intrinsic value of the player, not with the price of a few days earlier.

If a player is worth 50K and a manager buys him for 50K and sells him for 500k a week later, of course he should be punished. No doubt.

But if a player is worth 500K and a manager buys him for 50K, what's the reason to prevent him sell for 500K a week later?

Fraud will always be judged by price versus intrinsic value, not by how long a player has been in possession, multiples of two trades, player potential, or whether the buyer is newbee.

This Post:
314820.40 in reply to 314820.36
Date: 5/10/2022 7:25:50 AM
Folgado Lakers
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Folgado Lakers II
I always thought this was meant to happen one day and honestly, I'm happy about it. Things were getting out of control.

In the beginning, there were few teams making moves with young players with potential 9-11, but nowadays the bubble was about to explode. There were so many people trying to make money out of these players that the transfer list was a complete joke. For example, Poland 1st division has become a jumble sale The same thing happened some time ago: I and a couple of other managers used to trade grandpas with SOS 10, and many other people started doing the same. BBs decided to stop it and start fining.

One very important point that I would like to mention that did not appear among the guidelines: training. A couple of pops can dramatically change the price of a player that has been recently purchased. For example, the player that Gatienextra mentioned and I sold a couple of days ago had improved in 5 important skills (plus some others in which he was about to pop), and therefore improved his price (which was btw an absolute bargain when I bought him). These types of sales should be fine. However, I'm happy with the fact that the sales are punished if they are pure speculation with players who did not even train. For example, I was recently fined for selling a couple of players with pot 11 like this one (50871775) and I was absolutely OK with it.

I would like the guidelines to be as precise as possible and contemplate as many scenarios as possible to make it clear what will be punished and what will be not.
