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BB Malaysia > S62 - All topics except for transfers here

S62 - All topics except for transfers here

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319812.32 in reply to 319812.31
Date: 1/18/2024 12:04:41 PM
One Punch Malaysia
Overall Posts Rated:

Thanks Mate, GG.

This Post:
319812.34 in reply to 319812.33
Date: 1/24/2024 3:06:35 PM
Las Fierbinti
Overall Posts Rated:
Hi to all,

In pur pool we have two cleary favorites.China an Taiwan but we will do our Best.

Plese take care off players game shape

Thanks .

This Post:
319812.35 in reply to 319812.34
Date: 1/29/2024 3:22:09 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Tak Cuba Tak Tahu
Our U21 NT will qualify for the U21 Consolation Tournament. Two seasons ago, we lost in the first round against Russia and they lost against the future winner, Slovenia. I don't know yet who will be our opponent this season in the first round but we managed to save some enthusiasm and we will try to do better than we did 2 seasons ago.

Last edited by Nico4nicolas at 1/29/2024 3:22:40 PM

This Post:
319812.37 in reply to 319812.36
Date: 2/24/2024 11:13:11 AM
One Punch Malaysia
Overall Posts Rated:

Grat Nico. I wanted to give a little fight, but unfortunately, my team roster is still far away from challenging you.

Good luck and a good show in the next final, Team One Malaysia and Mybbteam.

Last edited by Atlentico at 2/25/2024 12:19:47 PM

This Post:
319812.38 in reply to 319812.37
Date: 3/3/2024 2:00:50 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Tak Cuba Tak Tahu
Congratulations to you too. Building a competitive team so fast is not easy and you did a good job. I had to put my best lineup against your team and all quarters but the third were close.

This Post:
319812.39 in reply to 319812.27
Date: 4/12/2024 3:55:48 AM
Las Fierbinti
Overall Posts Rated:

Please take care of boys GS.I can't believe that are nt players with under 48 min a week.This season i could't count on Wenqing.He was on TL .he was sold with 3 mil.He was bought by a manager who thinks that he can win games if he plays a player 100 min plus weekly.I tried to explain him that is not ok for a player to play that amount of minutes but in his country they don't think that is neccesary to reply at messages.

I cannot do anything without help from mangers.This season i think we could make a nice performance but if we don't train players to improve them and we don't pay attention at game shape, we are lost.

I want to continue at NT also the next seasons but i need support .


This Post:
319812.41 in reply to 319812.40
Date: 4/12/2024 5:05:00 AM
Las Fierbinti
Overall Posts Rated:
Wei should be buyed by an Malaysian manager.I would do it myself but i didn't haved the money.It's definetly worth 3 mil.

Now about GS.Also i 'm far away and i cannot pay visits..... first of all ....managers should respond to bb mails sended to them.What plan i can do if they don't respond,i don't say more about training.How can i handle them if i cannot speak to them.The first season i posted on forum and few peoples responded back.

Until now i won all games without Wei but are coming games with a higher difficulty level , and i need him.
