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BB België > [U21] Kandidaten

[U21] Kandidaten

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From: mirino
This Post:
41226.31 in reply to 41226.30
Date: 9/15/2008 5:19:46 PM
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I do not understand your language, I will try with (bad) English,please forgive me :-P
I have this player in my roster. Are you interested in him for your U-20?

Suske Jans (5861354)

Skarp One

Stipendio settimanale:
$ 5 478
DMI: 66500
Età: 18
Altezza: 6'8" / 203 cm
Potenziale: all star
Forma: valido

Tiro in sosp.: inadeguato Distanza di tiro: rispettabile(7)
Dif. perimetrale: scarso Palleggio: inadeguato
Penetrazione: mediocre Passaggio: sufficiente(6)
Tiro da sotto: forte(8) Difesa in area: rispettabile(7)
Rimbalzo: rispettabile(7) Stoppata: sufficiente(6)
Resistenza: rispettabile(7) Tiri liberi: sufficiente(6)

Esperienza: pietoso

From: Cedric

This Post:
41226.32 in reply to 41226.31
Date: 9/16/2008 4:45:38 AM
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he's still a bit young to get into the U21, but i'm sure that if you train him well this year and the next, he could make it to the U21, and maybe later to the NT

This Post:
41226.33 in reply to 41226.31
Date: 9/16/2008 5:25:05 AM
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there is little use in putting your talents on the forums for the U21

Our current U21 manager doesn't visit the forums...

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
41226.34 in reply to 41226.33
Date: 9/16/2008 11:42:57 AM
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maybe he visits but doesn't make posts

This Post:
41226.35 in reply to 41226.34
Date: 9/16/2008 2:46:44 PM
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whishfull thinking??

From: Melagis

This Post:
41226.36 in reply to 41226.32
Date: 9/17/2008 5:08:21 AM
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I really don't understand what he doing...

This Post:
41226.37 in reply to 41226.36
Date: 9/17/2008 5:21:05 AM
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nobody does. cross your fingers and pray. ;)

fact remains he was democratically chosen by ourselves!

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
41226.38 in reply to 41226.36
Date: 9/17/2008 5:21:05 AM
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nobody does. cross your fingers and pray. ;)

fact remains he was democratically chosen by ourselves!

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
41226.39 in reply to 41226.38
Date: 9/17/2008 5:37:43 AM
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hmmm strange situation...

This Post:
41226.40 in reply to 41226.39
Date: 9/17/2008 5:54:03 AM
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actually not.

you see, there are hundreds of active Belgian BB teams, yet only few of them visit the forums.

the one elected's username, when you translate it is: tasty thing without sexy undies.

If you can choose from a list of names, which would you pick, if you don't care about the NT, or you don't have any other info at all about the candidates? ... right.
THAT is our problem here.

Should I run in the election, I am almost 60% sure I will be elected without having to do ANYthing. Would I put little effort in it 70%, would I put a lot of effort in it probably 95%, just because of my GM- prefix.

It's not right, but that is reality. This and the fact I don't have time (I can't even do ALL things I'd like to do as GM, but there are the others for) make I won't run for NT or U21 manager.

username is important when it comes to elections. Nothing anyone can do about it I guess.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
41226.41 in reply to 41226.33
Date: 9/19/2008 4:58:51 PM
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there is little use in putting your talents on the forums for the U21

Our current U21 manager doesn't visit the forums...

Yes, NOW I know. davy-vk wrote to me about this U21 manager :-(

I will train him as center. Good luck with your manager.
What could you do for resolve this situation? Nothing? Only wait for next elections?
