Hi there,
I'm planning on getting supporter soon. In the meantime can someone make me a logo containing a double-headed eagle. It may sound weird but I want it to look something similar to this:
http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs31/f/2008/234/4/7/two_headed...Be creative, use a little bit of colour, add my team name Upper Echelon B.C somewhere if it looks good (name not mandatory).
If that is too many limitations for your liking (doubt it, there's only one thing I'm asking for really) you could come up with your very own original idea and if I like it I might use it!
On a side note, a banner would be greatly appreciated as well but it's not as important as the logo. The only thing I would ask for my banner to have is my team name, everything else is up to you.
Once again, thank you very much to whoever is willing to make this for me as it is greatly appreciated.
P.S - since I don't have supporter yet, whoever (if anyone at all :$) ends up making this, bbmail me or something to let me know that it is done. Thank you.
Last edited by locopaps at 2/15/2013 12:59:02 PM