your phrase "For the sake of the BB growth and community I think removal of Free Agents is for the best" doesn't have sense,if you use the previous arguments to justify it
If you include my whole post in your reasoning, instead of picking grapes to justify your goal and silence the opposition, I'd appreciate it. I said despite the challenges to find middle range players, it creates a stable base and stable prices (Notice how I said stable, not fair).
I need a center of medium level(ie 8/8/8 in IS/ID/REB) but i cannot find them on the market at a reasonable price,so I cannot spend my money on it and I had to lose some games,losing money from arena attendence.
You can't hope to have a winning team in the first season as long as you don't play against bots. That is underestimating most of the other managers in the game. Losing money from arena attendance if the meridian is you winning every game, then yes, and you must be Lucky the leprechaun.
If you don't want to pay overprice for players, just don't. If it is above market value they simply won't sell. If they are sold however, that IS the market price, although it sound like you want to get players thrown after you. Who wants to train a player to a decent level and sell him for half or 1/3 of what you can get for him if you train a couple levels more? I don't. If you do, give me a call and I'll give you the recipe for what kind of players I'm going to need.