Można myśleć że to jakieś zmiany w BB, ale skoro w przypadku spadku do innych lig jest lepiej to oznacza że to bug, musimy złożyć jakąś petycję o jego naprawienie, a dodatkowo poprosić o wyrównanie strat i przywrócenie w miarę normalnej ilośc "karnetowców"
Jeżeli chodzi o wyrównanie strat, to niestety nie ma na to szans
Unfortunately we cannot fix this problem retroactively. There is basically no way to recalculate the attendance with other ticket prices using the same variables as the ones that were used at the first time, let alone the problems in finding the affected teams.As much as we want to offer a better solution, the best we can do is accept the situation. All teams that earned extra money, keep their extra money, all teams that lost extra money, lose their extra money. I'm sorry to hear your in the last category, but really if we could fix it, we would.