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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Is this a bug?

Is this a bug? (thread closed)

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From: BB-Marin

This Post:
202195.32 in reply to 202195.30
Date: 11/17/2011 3:53:02 AM
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Second Team:
This is a clear difference of views that will never be settled, no matter what I say or do. I have stated what I had to say and if you still don't believe me, that's your problem. Matter closed.

This Post:
202195.34 in reply to 202195.33
Date: 11/20/2011 8:14:57 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
So we close.

stil I'd like to add somet stuff.

in the history of the game, there have been many bug reports.

many bug reports have been around for quite a time, before the where resolved. Either by checking things and see there was no bug, or by fixing an actual bug.
there is no reason for a BB to say they checked something, if they actually didn't check it. They just can't afford to do it. Because IF there realy would be a bug, those things would keep happening, and it's not good for the game, and therefor not good for them.
If such would be there policy, then why have there been so many bugs in the past that didn't get looked into in fast ways. Why would bugs stick around, until after a long time the BBs told us there was no bug after all? why didn't they just say so immediatly?
Because they do look into those things.

If we are talking about naive, then tell me why BB-Mark and BB-Charles are paying the other BBs salaries, just for not doing what they are hied to do? I suppose Mark and Charles can just as well react of the bugs they looked into them whitout having to pay extra BBs. Thinking BBs are being payed for not doing what they say they do ...well... that sounds a bit naive to me.

Fixing bugs might be timeconsuming. I am no programmer, but I do trouble solving in my job in my own way, and I know hours fly past before you know it. So I won't argue about that statement. But tracking and fixing bugs is BBs top priority, as they can't afford to keep runing erronous systems, and they know it.
I'd realy be surprised if they handle bug reports lightly...
that's my opinion

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