I don't like both isolations and my guess is that it's the wrong decision in the series, not the PO Normal in game 2. I'm still thinking that LI or Low post would win you the game. Bet you are thinking the same now.
Yes - but I also think if he didn't pick up on the Normal Pace, I most probably win. It's difficult, my team's set up to run II/Princeton - and it has worked very well all last season. I think I could run LI successfully as well - and maybe that's what I need to do.
And I still rank the PON as a bigger miss... tho' I guess had I rolled with LI in g3 then I'd have a title as well!
Hijiki did the better job. Not often a manager here in Japan wins the double (Cup/Title). Hopefully next season will be good for me too.
Pretty happy with the MVP voting, K-Mat winning, and the only player close was Yuen Ling Tim --> the guy who plays beside him. I thought K-Mat was the clear choice for the GE to make... but I'd rather have a title!
http://with-malice.com/ - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan