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BB Global (English) > Supporters protest against the delays of matches, training, etc.

Supporters protest against the delays of matches, training, etc.

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From: ned

This Post:
201393.322 in reply to 201393.321
Date: 1/21/2012 1:04:09 PM
Freccia Azzurra
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
That's why today there aren't any matches here in Italy

Unfortunately the same in Poland:( This is very frustrating. Today I play regular season game. I bought a beer ... and disappointment.

Dunno if there is a relation (I think so) but this morning I wasn't able to log in "server too busy"...

1990-2022 Stalinorgel -
This Post:
201393.323 in reply to 201393.322
Date: 1/22/2012 6:40:59 AM
Brigada Diverse
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Second Team:
Agreed with the thread
I don't understand why are this problems still present seeing that they first appeared 2-3 season ago if i remember correctly.
As i see it this game has stopped growing a long time ago because the maximum number of users is about 50k from season 9-10 or something like that so i guess that there is no surprise in the total number of online users.

This Post:
201393.324 in reply to 201393.323
Date: 1/23/2012 4:34:35 AM
Matrix Mighty Dunkers
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Yep, this problems are since I started to play, maybe it is my fault :(

I think It is wasting time to write about problems, nobody hear us, nobody do sth do fix it.

It is good that my internet provider cut my connection on friday, I did not see this problems, and I am pretty pretty happy of it.

This Post:
201393.325 in reply to 201393.324
Date: 1/23/2012 5:45:43 AM
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Yep, this problems are since I started to play, maybe it is my fault :(

I think It is wasting time to write about problems, nobody hear us, nobody do sth do fix it.

It is good that my internet provider cut my connection on friday, I did not see this problems, and I am pretty pretty happy of it.

hmmm i see all the different flags but the majority of u MUST be average germans!!!

bääähhh..the training is 3 hours later..bäääähhh..i cant get a srimmage 1 day..bäähhhhh..the site is in one week 3 hours offline..bääähhh...Look Inside is evil...bääähhhhh..23 zone is more evil..crying crying crying :-DDD

This Post:
201393.326 in reply to 201393.325
Date: 1/23/2012 5:52:04 AM
Matrix Mighty Dunkers
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Hi Will, nice to hear You :)

What's up? how is Your weekend?

This Post:
201393.327 in reply to 201393.326
Date: 1/23/2012 6:12:09 AM
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Hi Will, nice to hear You :)

What's up? how is Your weekend?

its fukkin MONDAY in germany...damn differnt time zones..that game is tooooooo global for me :-DDD

This Post:
201393.328 in reply to 201393.327
Date: 1/23/2012 6:18:39 AM
Matrix Mighty Dunkers
Overall Posts Rated:
Hi Will, nice to hear You :)

What's up? how is Your weekend?

its fukkin MONDAY in germany...damn differnt time zones..that game is tooooooo global for me :-DDD

Yep, it is good that You noticed in Poland.

From: Pallu
This Post:
201393.329 in reply to 201393.1
Date: 1/23/2012 10:26:43 AM
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We are very unhappy that the delays and problems occur so often. We feel that our support is not as it should be used to develop the game in order to user satisfaction. We expect you to do more to solve problems.

I am less concerned about the delays and bugs than about the fact, that Buzzerbeater seems to die slowly.

The number of managers has stopped growing more than a year ago and is now continuously decreasing. The owners and management (the BB's) do not seem to actively run (properly manage) the Game (the company).

There is no sign that this is going to change. It is a matter of time that Buzzerbeater is closed or no longer supported by the BB's. That's a very sad thing.

The reason imho are not the bugs but a careless management towards the necessary growth of BB. Bugs are just one symptom.

Last edited by Pallu at 1/23/2012 10:27:36 AM

This Post:
201393.330 in reply to 201393.329
Date: 1/23/2012 11:47:06 AM
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Well honestly - the stagnation of users might be something good. The "explosion" of user numbers lead to many problems (server changes and stuff following), so maybe BB is now catching up with his size. When things work fine and stable, and some exciting new things are implemented, THEN another boost would be great, but as of now, stagnation is something very positive from my side (at least stagnation means a stable in-and-out-rate).

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
This Post:
201393.331 in reply to 201393.330
Date: 1/23/2012 11:54:26 AM
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I slightly disagree.

I have not seen any explosion. I think I remember BB having 17.000 Managers when I joined, it went slowly but surely up to 60, stopped and the went back down.

For a community-based game that is already asking money from its many supporting members that is a failed launch.

Some of the side-effects of the stagnation are
- low income for BB
- low support from BB (bugs, etc.)
- low level of exitement (growing games have their - maybe unfair - ways of exitement, e.g. inflation, competition)

Bugs by themselves never kill a game. They keep the emotions in the community high...

Just my two cents.

Last edited by Pallu at 1/23/2012 11:54:59 AM

This Post:
201393.332 in reply to 201393.330
Date: 1/23/2012 3:59:14 PM
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Well honestly - the stagnation of users might be something good. The "explosion" of user numbers lead to many problems (server changes and stuff following), so maybe BB is now catching up with his size. When things work fine and stable, and some exciting new things are implemented, THEN another boost would be great, but as of now, stagnation is something very positive from my side (at least stagnation means a stable in-and-out-rate).

I've been playing since season 3 and this season the game seems really ''dead'', what's the future of this game?
We haven't any news about any change on the near future(and the game needs some changes).

From my point of view(and maybe i'm wrong) BB's will have to decide if they want buzzerbeater as a hobby or keep developing BB as a company with all the work that this means(and that's a huge work), but if not, i'm sure the game will keep decreasing in number of users and many supporters will stop paying their supporter.

Last edited by Marot at 1/23/2012 4:00:10 PM
