The urban legends I´ve been talking to think about the cap as a soft cap only - there´s a border, after which training slows down so massively, that it´s hardly worth spending training minutes on the player anymore. I know several player that have been trained over the "cap" which received like 12-13 weeks of full training till they got their next pop, but they got it nevertheless. I´m not sure why the system should use a "hard cap" when the soft cap mechanism (and the age factor) will sooner or later limit the players skills theoretically anyways.
Even if there is a hard cap, it would be pretty hard to find evidence outside a straight confirmation from the BBs, as the training effect becomes increasinly slow after reaching the soft cap. Maybe JosefKa with his data could provide some insight in this (and technically speaking the hard cap is just a special case of the soft cap with the training factor reaching 0).
Would be interesting to know if after reaching the soft cap there´s a "one-time hit" in speed (such as 1/10 of the age / size limitations) or if the development over the soft cap is still a function of potential reaching 0 at some point.
Last edited by LA-seelenjaeger at 9/11/2012 4:28:15 PM
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