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Best Way to start?

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From: Rasho

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319537.33 in reply to 319537.27
Date: 8/1/2023 6:19:38 PM
Prva Liga BiH
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Yeah it is ok to have stamina training sometimes while you train 150 tsp players. No problem then.

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319537.34 in reply to 319537.28
Date: 8/1/2023 6:25:37 PM
Prva Liga BiH
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I had only once drop with lvl 4 nutricionist. So dropping is not a problem. I want your evidience.
I want you to show research and evidence for the claim that stamina increases 2 times in a season with nutritionist level 6 and gym level 3. Is it for one player or for all players in the team?

You should open a new topic and write your experience. Other managers will also write their experience. But from what I read about nutritionist on the forum, there is not a single level that can raise stamina to a satisfactory level because it takes years to grow.

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319537.35 in reply to 319537.32
Date: 8/1/2023 6:40:22 PM
Prva Liga BiH
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
It is fair to them that they know what awaits them in the future. No lies, no deception. Just the bare truth. New players deserve to know what to expect in 2027. when they will be near the end of the training.

You need to retain new managers with the truth, not with lies. The truth is the only way to keep new managers and to prevent this decline in users.

BuzzerBeater exists since 2007 (16 years!), and it's now 5-10 years (or even more) that the number of users remains around 13k. Generalizing a trend from 2-3 weeks is stupid. New players deserve to know that.


Yes but they did a big advertising campain on the internet a and got a good number of new users. But the problem is that there are too few elements to make those new users stay on the game.

Do you think this game has a future as it is?
Do you think that large number of managers will continue to train players when it takes so much time during which there are too many punishments for that training.
Punishment in the form of the inabillity tp be competent and many other nerve-wracking things?

BTW. it's 13793 now. It is -442 managers in 27 days. It is 3,1% drop.

Not quite the expected results of the advertising campain.

if anyone saves this game it will be me. If my "hateful" comments don't wake up the people who decide about this game, then no one and nothing will.

This Post:
319537.36 in reply to 319537.34
Date: 8/2/2023 12:38:04 AM
Tampines Fusion
Overall Posts Rated:
I've brought it up before in the forums, a long time ago. I think it's in a nutritionist related topic. That said, I would need to start manually collecting data if we want to actually build a topic on it, as right now most of my former trainees are sold off, hence I won't have access to retrospective data.

With a level 6 nutritionist it doesn't guarantee you a double pop per season because all it does is stop stamina decay - so it's all down to cross training. Some seasons you get a double pop, some seasons single pop, some seasons no pops at all. However I remember that pops occur more often with players of lower stamina (although the last NT trainee I sold off had proficient/prominent stamina just from cross training, I think he must have had respectable or strong to begin with, but other than him I don't recall any other players with stamina around his level). That said, you should be able to increase the chance by hiring a level 7 nutritionist. If I'm not wrong, cross training often goes to the skill which is closest to popping, hence with a level 7 nutritionist, since your player's stamina is ever increasing, it should increase the chance of receiving cross training. Of course with nutritionist alone, it won't really help much. But cross training does make a difference. Although I guess it depends what you mean by satisfactory - is respectable good enough? Proficient?

Last edited by BuzzRBeater at 8/2/2023 12:40:26 AM

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