well you will have to gamble here.
you know about the A-. but you do not know the other A (5-balls) is A+,A- or just A.
I'd put the one you don't know about on top, since he might be an A+, in which case he will be noticably better then the A-, but he might have low potential. With the 4-ball potential of your A- however you are not guaranteed to have a player with real high potential. His potential will not be low, you can be confident in that, but will it be high? I'm not sure, and I even doubt it...
I personally would go for the A without more info. I personnaly always put every A- at the bottom of 5-balls in my drafts, even if his potential would also be 5 balls, unless maybe he is 18, because the other player might be 19,....
It's realy a personal choice, but you asked what I would do, so I answered, don't shoot me afterwards. ;)
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