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Game Shape ==> New change in season 12?

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From: BB-Patrick

To: -CS
This Post:
138857.34 in reply to 138857.31
Date: 4/5/2010 3:19:32 PM
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his replied was no any changed for game shape this season,
however, i have play BB since few years ago, never face this problem.
so his answer may not the accurate and not the best answer i think

Gameshape is being reset to the lowest possible value of respectable in offseason. This means that even the smallest drop will lead to a visual change from respectable to average, while the actual difference may be very small. This also means you'll need a full level increase before your players are shown as 'strong' gameshape, and two full levels before you reach proficient.

This leads to people think the 'randomness' is bad for them, since they see more averages/mediocres than they expect.

Last edited by BB-Patrick at 4/5/2010 3:20:07 PM

This Post:
138857.37 in reply to 138857.36
Date: 4/9/2010 8:33:59 AM
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80 minutes is actually pretty much the border from good to bad.
You shouldn't have you players play more than 80 minutes per week.
50-70 seems to be the best range.
But this week again, I've seen the big randomness in that. someone with 32 minutes improved to 8, some with 59 even improved 2 levels to 9 and someone with 60 minutes went from 8 to 7.

We have both said a lot of things that you are going to regret.
This Post:
138857.41 in reply to 138857.40
Date: 4/9/2010 7:20:05 PM
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my players have played 50-80 min. one player 85. result- all pops in gameshape (one exception to prove basic rule, not this 85 min. man).

From: zyler
This Post:
138857.42 in reply to 138857.41
Date: 4/12/2010 1:16:29 AM
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im still convinced game shape level drops and rises are based over a 2 week period.
so its not so much that a player nees 50-80 mins a week more that they need 100-160 over 2 weeks.

so if they get 0 mins first week then 100+ mins second week there gameshape will still be higher then week 1

This Post:
138857.43 in reply to 138857.42
Date: 4/12/2010 2:42:30 AM
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I agree gameshape is over 2 weeks. But I disagree that playing 0 minutes 1 week then 100 minutes the next week would result in an overall increase I'm gameshape. I think you need to have good minutes both weeks to have good gameshape, I don't think you can have bad minutes both weeks and still expect an increase.

This Post:
138857.44 in reply to 138857.43
Date: 4/16/2010 3:48:04 AM
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disappointing week to say the least... managed minutes perfectly, everyone between 61 and 74 (with the massage doctor) and 3 drops and no increases. All season everyone between 48-78 and not 1 guy in proficient GS to show for it. Does that seem reasonable?!
