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Poor Playoff Attendance

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From: P. Tom

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247088.34 in reply to 247088.33
Date: 9/10/2013 3:16:41 AM
Surry Hills Peeps
Overall Posts Rated:
What I meant is that we keep the Arena price updates as they are. And make a special option available to playoff home teams with a playoff algorithm to raise attendance, I still think a 60/40 split for home playoffs is better.

The reason for the special playoff ability is that, to get high attendance number for regular games after the mid season update, you can't be as aggressive as you should be able to in the playoffs, therefore you leave cash on the table one way or another.

And I think it would be the simplest change to make and easiest way to solve all these debates over the unfairness.

This Post:
247088.35 in reply to 247088.34
Date: 9/10/2013 3:21:31 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
I agree
A one of extra change to be done for playoffs makes sense to me. And a 60/40 split also is the way to go.

From: Knecht

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247088.37 in reply to 247088.36
Date: 9/10/2013 6:05:31 AM
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I love the 50-50 split - almost made the same money as in my regular season games.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular