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Australia - III.6 > Season 26

Season 26

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From: akuma

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251903.34 in reply to 251903.33
Date: 01/19/2015 17:54:30
Overall Posts Rated:
Yeah i checked all the Div 3 finalists a little while ago for a different reason, but you are the top of the bot promotion list as you had the best win/loss + PD record, so no worries you will get auto promoted anyway.

This Post:
251903.35 in reply to 251903.1
Date: 01/20/2015 17:36:45
Overall Posts Rated:
Hey fellas!

This Post:
251903.36 in reply to 251903.35
Date: 01/20/2015 17:44:57
Overall Posts Rated:
Hello friend!
Are you knew to the game?

This Post:
251903.37 in reply to 251903.36
Date: 01/20/2015 18:04:11
Overall Posts Rated:
Nah, used to play a few years back and just decided to get back into it!

This Post:
251903.38 in reply to 251903.37
Date: 01/20/2015 19:32:00
Overall Posts Rated:
Excellent! I just came back myself from a hiatus.
I look forward to our impending games

From: Adorno
This Post:
251903.39 in reply to 251903.38
Date: 01/21/2015 07:02:54
Overall Posts Rated:
And I thought I was the only one returning!

From: Leeroy!!

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251903.40 in reply to 251903.39
Date: 01/23/2015 22:32:46
Overall Posts Rated:
Well you've come to the right place lol. Most people who end up in this league stay for a while

This Post:
251903.41 in reply to 251903.40
Date: 01/24/2015 09:27:43
Generation of Miracles
Overall Posts Rated:
:D Hope everyone has an enjoyable season!

This Post:
251903.42 in reply to 251903.41
Date: 02/12/2015 02:20:55
Dare Devils
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Gold Nuggets
How is everyone looking for the rest of the season? I was hoping to win against Generation last game, but also trying to stay in the cup for a while longer. Got another top 50 team this week hopefully they just play a spud lineup.

What's everyone thinking about the end of the season now that we have gone 6 rounds and everyone starting to see how its panning out. The results are quite tight at the top of my conference. I think hammerheads is the top pick, his team looks quite strong and he must have a mint saved up, hasn't really spent much and sold $1.5mil at the start of the year.

Anyone wanna have a guess at how much coin he has saved????

From: Daniel21

This Post:
251903.43 in reply to 251903.42
Date: 02/17/2015 03:45:23
Overall Posts Rated:
You can probably tell that im not the best with decision making in this game, with all the big salaried, old aged players that i keep on buying. Although my record is 6-1 im still trying figuring out how to put together my team. Besides my two trainee big men the rest of my roster is just bad decisions I made whilst trying to improve my team, I don't see my self coming out of this league until I figure out what im doing. Trying to win now isn't the best decision I've made. pretty new to this game, only really started getting into it last season any tips would be really appreciated.

Been pretty lucky with cup matches so far, hopefully stay in a bit longer.

After looking through rosters I would have to go with Hammerheads as well, very good all-round team.

This Post:
251903.44 in reply to 251903.43
Date: 02/18/2015 18:03:55
Overall Posts Rated:
Hey man, sorry about the late reply.
There are definitely a few ways to win in this game, I've seen a team full of 35 year olds win div II and III before so never say never. However it's recommended that you have at least 2 trainees at all times with a level 5 trainer, you don't have to train NT players or anything just make sure you've got people improving.

If you're not trying to win this season I think its best to get your roster as close to the $75,000 salary cap as possible without selling off your trainees. This should allow you to save up for the next season when you want to be competitive, it's a hit and miss game to be honest. A bad decision here could see you having to tank and save cash for a few seasons, it was definitely the case for me with my previous team.

Anyway if you have any more specific questions I wouldn't mind giving you a hand, just BB-mail me in the future.
