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Suggestions > BB Women's League

BB Women's League

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From: pepek

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309285.34 in reply to 309285.33
Date: 5/19/2021 6:59:38 PM
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I guess many people are missing the point here.

I don't think anyone wants an actual Women's League in BB or a mirror of an actual female basketball after this lengthy discussion. Just like basketball in BB doesn't resemble basketball in real life at all, women's basketball in BB doesn't have to resemble or copy women's basketball in real life.

As a suggestion, I think it's not much needed but if that happens, I'd be okay to see female-imaged, female-named players in my team.

I don't see any problem with some ladies in my team. All in all, we are used to seeing dunks and high pct shooters even in the 4th division while in real life, 4th division basketball is just crap (I had a stint at a local high school team as a coach and your eyes would bleed )

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309285.36 in reply to 309285.35
Date: 5/20/2021 1:22:21 AM
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I asked my players and three of them said that in fact they want to change sex. So go ahead.

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309285.37 in reply to 309285.36
Date: 5/20/2021 3:07:34 AM
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Second Team:
Little Computer People
I already brought more diversity to my team and opened it for Calvin Schwengel-schwester (48209660)

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
This Post:
309285.38 in reply to 309285.30
Date: 5/20/2021 3:13:56 PM
Le Cotiche
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May be we can start with female staff.
This idea has no impact on engine of bb but it is a start line.

special skill: massage

This Post:
309285.39 in reply to 309285.32
Date: 5/20/2021 6:07:14 PM
Detroit Mercy Mavericks
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GoFarsr Revolutions
The discussion of womens sports ties directly into this in regards to responding to you and the original suggestion.

Long story short...its not going to add much value to the game. For the one millionth time, Iv worked directly in sports and mostly womens sports. I was telling you that from an American perspective where even with time and backing, womens sports dont garnish much attention even from women. All im gonna say is that adding womens players or leagues wont add much to realistic user growth. I never said absolutely dont do it but understand not to expect much in the way of new users coming to this game or even player retention for that matter. Its beyond me how you could read what i actually wrote and still respond with what you did...

From: Bro_Khen

This Post:
309285.41 in reply to 309285.39
Date: 5/20/2021 10:33:15 PM
Team Payabang
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I asked Mr.Google on how to attaract Female players to a game...

and there are alot of different interesting info about it:

Women rarely play shooters not because they lack reaction or speed, but because they do not see the point in missions such as rescuing hostages, capturing an enemy bunker or killing a boss. It is more interesting for them to carry out tasks if they know that in the end they will be able to get something for it (useful items, artifacts, resources) or in order to protect what is already there — a castle, a fortress, a city, etc. In games, women try to express themselves through creation and development. This is the secret of the popularity of MMOs and strategies, where most of the mechanics are focused on resource extraction, plant cultivation, city construction and protection, empire building, etc.

Another moment that affects the success of games among girls is social interaction. Since girls are focused on relationships with people, their empathy and intuition are better developed, they are more perceptive, so they are attracted to social elements in games: the ability to interact with other players or characters, be it to get information, manage something or build relationships.

Despite the persistent view of games as boys’ toys, there is evidence that women are gaming more
frequently but for shorter periods of time than men and they play other genres

Women seem to prefer abstract, short
and easy-to-master games such as casual (e.g. Tetris) and social network games (e.g. CityVille) (Nielsen,
2009; IGDA, 2009; ISG, 2010, Sung et al., 2010), while men are more likely to play ‘core’ genres (Kerr,
2003). The latter category typically refers to skill-based games which are time-consuming and generally
feature high-quality three-dimensional graphics (e.g. Grand Theft Auto).

So yeah... if BB would like to attract more audience... probably they can plan in advance the adoptability of the mobile app to being able to costumize a Manager's ingame Avatar (custumes and accessories), their NPC Staffs and Rosters, Their Court Designs, a Collectible Item Stores... to decorate every Rooms in game the BBs can imagine
... and be able to visit others' to and a posibility to meet each other's in game avatar and chat

From: Naeem

This Post:
309285.42 in reply to 309285.41
Date: 5/21/2021 9:20:34 AM
Detroit Mercy Mavericks
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GoFarsr Revolutions
You know how they say you shouldn't trust everything you read online???

Women rarely play shooters...

Im plenty aware of the world of gaming and the inclusion of women in it and they Definitely are into shooters and just as much as men are. From women iv served with in the military, to women iv worked with in sports, to women i simply went to college with Google can say one thing but real life says another. Mind you iv lived in multiple parts of the US but also down in Colombia and over in Japan for some time each. Don't believe everything you read online.

I do agree that more customizability increases likelihood of growing a larger female base here but I just don't see it much happening. Bare in mind people that women in my generation (Im 28) have increasingly short attention spans and are constantly looking to be entertained. This game ain't it folks, sorry and adding female avatars and names aren't going to change that much AT ALL.

This next generation after mine are even worse in regards to that same deal. Again, women definitely do play shooters and are good at them.
In regards to attracting more potential users your entire last paragraph is spot on. It would be great to see more female users sign up and actually stay but iv talked a few women into playing this game so far and not one stayed for more then a month and its because the game was just to slow paced for them. They enjoyed the building aspect which you touched on but the pace of the game was just not their for them. They don't equate to all women but you can probably expect to find the same from mostly everyone else.

I've been thinking for the last few days about the possibility of BB having a Women's League.

That's the original topic of the forum which isn't a bad idea but i still just don't see it being a very beneficial one. I really get the sense it would go just like Utopia in that it was kinda cool at first but the overall care for it would drop decently fast. New users and user retention would be best served with the completion of the mobile app, more customizable futures( which iv noticed being gradually added in anyway), and the inclusion of a youth system.

Last thing ill say is Bro_Khen thanks for elaborating on your point in so much depth. In a world where everyone is so used to 20 character Tweets and 10 second TikToks its like thoughtful messages are Mid-Range Jumpshots, a lost art. Everyone wants to chuck up 3s and get back on D. Im done commenting on this topic though, were beating a dead horse at this point you know

This Post:
309285.43 in reply to 309285.27
Date: 5/27/2021 6:44:04 AM
Girona B.C.
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Miami Seagulls
I really agree with what you have said here on all your previous messages.

I've been out of BB for a few days for many reasons and I've not been able to follow the forum. But your point is correct, your view is the reality of it all.

This Post:
309285.44 in reply to 309285.32
Date: 5/27/2021 6:46:01 AM
Girona B.C.
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Miami Seagulls
I also agree on that. And that it would be a good publicity, just having images is not much of a work and it is a starting point.

Even someday Utopia could be replaced, eventually. First images, then another thing, etc...