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Suggestions > Option to not accept draftees

Option to not accept draftees

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From: docend24

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191815.35 in reply to 191815.25
Date: 8/9/2011 1:37:33 PM
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People could buy up young rookies of rival nations then fire them as a way of sabotage. putting it on NT coach to use his 18roster slots for 18/19yo/s that haven7t been trained alot, IMO, is extreme. For example in Japan our U21 coach is pretty focused on getting 19~21 with training developed, experience etc.

How's that they appeared on TL and what's more unnoticed. It takes 3 days to change teams... That's not extreme that's most of the time logical.

From: docend24

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191815.38 in reply to 191815.36
Date: 8/9/2011 10:08:24 PM
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What Perpete said. Nothing to "get". 18 spots before nt enthusiasm reset and with pretty much no need to have actual NT players on roster at the time of Monday update. Simple as that. You have as many spots as spots for Nt players- got it? .) No need to save every BB-developer, just those most promising.

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191815.39 in reply to 191815.3
Date: 8/11/2011 12:59:58 AM
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or even just eliminate the third round of the draft, so it is more realistic, and lets be honest, the third draftee is usually worthless.

Last year I bought 2 trainees that were picked in the 3rd round, and they were the 47th and 48th picks (resold the 48th pick). I know that both of those guys were not great players and not U21 worthy, but they were good players. Both were worth over 100K and the one still on my team is worth 150K (was 200K when bought but was not the trainee with the greatest priority.)

From: Asasasa
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191815.40 in reply to 191815.39
Date: 8/11/2011 1:52:49 AM
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This player is happy that a 3rd round of Drafts exist:
