I've brought information that showed that in France, Spain and Italy (which consists of 11,333 users out of ~50K users) there is not even one team who had join this game later that Season-4!!! [14 seasons ago!!!]
This proof points to the most critical issue that must be handled and fixed in this game. And as you can see, it also "touches" this suggestion.
Where three of the biggest BB-nations who consists of about a 1/4 of all users have this phenomenon, it means something is not right. No matter what happens at other nations.
It is not statistically possible that there will not be a single team from 14 out of 18 seasons of this game at the first league.
It cannot be true that the best BB-managers only joined at this few seasons.
It points exactly to the problem of the competitiveness of this game.
"Coach Regan":
in season 4, in Italy, there was only 150 users, across two division's. In season 4, in France, similar.
And here starts the expalanations why it happens on this three nations (and not only at them).
Due to the fact that those nations had less teams, they could take a bigger hold on the assets of that country. Assests that as seen just grows.
Think about another point here - 150 users out of current ~4K, and on the first league there are only users from those 150 users. How can it be?
Answer - the game has competativeness problem that must be addressed.
Another thing that "Coach Regan" pointed out, is that some users are so bored with the non-existing competitiveness that they are tanking to lower leagues. Which means that those who get passed them not realy overcome them, but where just got "a free ticket" to the higher league.
In addition there are team who just decided to leave the game etc.
Summarizing - all information pointing to the same conclusion - there is a problem with the competitiveness of this game that is at first priority for the BB-managers (hopefully).