Hmmm Interesting take.
Personality I prefer to slow it down and grind it out, but this squad doesn't pull that off well against good teams.
I need to take advantage of their versatility, to counter what I consider their flaws.
In tournament games there is no home advantage, there is a home and away team, but the advantage
tool gets disable for this matches.
I know how to work around GS. when mins get too high for some players, there are a couple of things you can do
mostly if you're short on personnel.
16 is the highest my team has gone in the tournament as well.
Scouting sometimes can tell you such much, I personally like to pick at it from all point of views, when I'm engage
and to be honest I'm just going to the motions right now.
I need to save up money before I go in D2,, so far every time I landed there was by
Hey about what to expect from scouting, sometimes is not good to out guess your self, cause the opponent could be running tactics Phil Jackson style, or he could just pull a Karl Malone move on you.
Some people have a tendency in playing, either by lack of coaching skills or simply their squad has limitations, just gotta figure out which one and adjust accordingly.
This season for my league Southpoint is the favorite to win it all, I can beat him if put my mind to it, but like I said I'm just going through the motions, not ready to go to D2, unless I end up there again by mistake ha ha ha
Right now all I want is to see how close my guys can keep the match.