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BB Cyprus > [NAT] 21 years old

[NAT] 21 years old

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94171.35 in reply to 94171.34
Date: 09/27/2009 13:05:11
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thx for this.. now I got an idea.

at the moment I don't train single position. I'm not sure what to do... I really would like to train 5 players a week (3 SG + 2 PG), but I'm not sure about his chances of appointment if I follow this way. What do you think?

This Post:
94171.36 in reply to 94171.35
Date: 09/27/2009 13:21:51
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single pos. training should grant him the u21.

double position won't limit him too much.

we usually suggest coaches to train the best way for their team, cause this would generally fit with nts needings.

the choice then is up to you ;)

This Post:
94171.37 in reply to 94171.36
Date: 09/27/2009 13:34:36
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Oh, ok... thank very much for this choice! Actually I won't change to single training, but I'm really focussed to see as many NT players as I can. So if it would be absolutly necessary, I would reconsider my curent point of view... ;-)

I think single training only plays a major role for OD or JR, cause the other important skills can only be trained for guards or wingmen...

So, we'll stay in contact here or straight th way via BBmail!!! Looking forward to a sucsessful teamwork and cooperation... ;-)

This Post:
94171.38 in reply to 94171.37
Date: 10/27/2009 09:59:03
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All Star Game season 10: we have a good medium level, but we are really poor inside between 19 years old players, I hope that they raise during next part of the season, because we need them. Cyprus is improving and our results for NT and U21 NT and community growth, I think that it's a good "litmus" of our job on the Island. Here we go with the rank:


1) I. Mastroyiannis (9730194) of BC teammate -> Oh man... I love the "work" of Moti123 on him. He's a fantastic player until now, as I've said for Kaliasis as the star between 21 years old, I could say the same for him, at the moment. He could be usefull NOW for U21 team, but slots are full. JS, OD and PA... we could find a great Point Guard!

2) E. Galanakis (9730373) of Gold Towers -> He's now injured and he will be passed in a short term for this "retard", but he's really complete, he's got right pop-ups and potential is not a limit for u21 team... senior... we will see.

3) S. Sfaliaridis (9730198) of BC teammate -> Moti123 is great trainer and we see his "products" as Sfaliaridis. He could be a Small Forward too, complete player, good height too to be trained inside in the future!

4) N. Zigouris (9730309) of Florida 96ers -> Our best defender should be a powerfull Guard increasing both shots (JS and JR), I think that Greiel could realize a good job.

5) E. Mpountouris (9730478) of ANDYS LA OTRA PASION -> I love shooters! He's our best, but he sucks by the charity line.. so he has to pop-up even there! Some Jump Range could rise as secondary of JS training session and I hope for OD in the near future.

Small Forwards:

Preamble: I don't want re-write Sfaliaridis and Mastroyannis that could play as SF too

1) Y. Dimidou (9730350) of T.P. Team -> External Small Forward... I hope that Miky one would try to train him both inside and outside to give us an interesting player for the future. He needs to shot everywhere... than we will see

2) N. Fanoureas (9730440) of Frente Nazarí -> Same height of Dimidou, lower potential. He's trained too as Guard for the moment, so we speak about "outside" Small Forward

3) S. Daravanis (9730263) of armadi jeans vi -> He's been sacrificed sometimes on training session... but now it's his moment and he should grow to show his potential!

4) R. Matzavidis (11100971) of Cape Town Beez -> New entry! Sometimes he pops, sometimes he doesn't... Dlight answer me only sometimes, but if we speak together we can find a good solution for this great potential player

5) E. Laternas (11226460) of Kustošija Mladost -> New entry! MVP potential for a "new born" of season 10. He's really behind best players, but thanks to potential and height he could be a different and usefull Small Forward. C'mon Mali Kralj!

Inside Players:

1) G. Prezas (9867279) of Sharpshooters -> Best inside shooter and Centers have to score!

2) Y. Tsamaslidis (9939117) of Espiye Gücü -> Small Forwad too, but good inside defender. We hope on shot!

3) A. Konstantaras (9730473) of BC Sopron -> Good rebounder. We are working on shooting and the "big man" training tour!

4) P. Markoyiannakis (9931033) of -=Defenders=- -> He's the copy of Konstantaras with lower skills on FT and JS as secondary

5) L. Adamantidis (9730285) of pafos -> omonoia? are you still in the game? can you update him? are you training him? Is he dead?

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94171.40 in reply to 94171.38
Date: 11/28/2009 15:44:46
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End season 10: we are approaching to play offs, so good luck everybody involved. Pretty good outside, very poor inside... this is the "leit motiv" of this generation, let's check the rank:


1) I. Mastroyiannis (9730194) of BC teammate -> Great player. I don't know if The Cippis will recruit him for next season. JS and OD mainly for next season and 1 PA level... why not?

2) S. Sfaliaridis (9730198) of BC teammate -> Another great guard (that could play as Sf too) created by Moti123 (and BC teammate is doing great things on CBBA, that's why!). JS and OD as Mastryiannis next season for him!

3) E. Galanakis (9730373) of Gold Towers -> Interesting player as Sfaliaridis, but amazing pop in IS last week! JS and OD for him too... an injury has stopped him for 2 weeks...

4) N. Zigouris (9730309) of Florida 96ers -> Greiel complains by BB-Mail about his purchase, but he could be a good player for sure. JR-JR-JR-JR :-) and than JS and OD as usual!

5) E. Mpountouris (9730478) of ANDYS LA OTRA PASION -> He's a good shooter. He needs range and defence -> Es un buen tirador. El rango de necesidades y la defensa (google translate!)

Small Forwards:

1) Y. Dimidou (9730350) of T.P. Team -> External Small Forward... he needs to shot, inside mainly, but outside too (JR for sure)

2) N. Fanoureas (9730440) of Frente Nazarí -> Potential is his limit... at the moment is really interesting... is he finished or does he have some hidden resources?

3) S. Daravanis (9730263) of T.P. Team -> MikyOne has bought him and he will be trained as Guard... I hope that Dimidou and Daravanis will have some inside training session in the future.

4) A. Glikos (9730301) of KAMARI -> 10 pops this season by a player that haven't a real user... Vavanos appear only sometimes... but he's good... improve OD and inside skills

5) I. Mpampatsikos (9730201) of Chicago Boules -> Trained by a player that doesn't update anyway... but the player is interesting, really far from best player and he won't be anyway a player for NT, but we have that... we insert that on this list...

Inside Players:

1) G. Prezas (9867279) of Sharpshooters -> Already recruited for u21 team he's the only inside player of possible immediate national interest. He's trained mono position! Users... guys... train one-position sometimes!

2) P. Markoyiannakis (9931033) of Lula Team -> Well balanced player.. he could shot too! Push it on offense (IS)

3) Y. Tsamaslidis (9939117) of Espiye Gücü -> After some weeks of injury he's back. He needs shooting and FT to be ready for NT!!!!

4) A. Konstantaras (9730473) of BC Sopron -> Well balanced player, some good secondary. Train him mainly on IS and RB, but don't forget some ID

5) N. Tsalavoutas (9730224) of Pegasus Dreamz -> He's similar to Kostantaras, 1 level down on Inside skills. He's worse on ST and FT, he needs them to be a NT player! He could shot and pass as well.

Last edited by Steve Makis™ at 11/28/2009 20:41:51

This Post:
94171.41 in reply to 94171.40
Date: 02/08/2010 11:14:08
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Just a little bit late... but not so late :-) after ASG I'm here for writing an update of Cypriot better prospect, let's start and thanks everyone for the great work you're doing with these "guys":


1) N. Zigouris (9730309) of Florida 96ers -> I give to him the possibility of leading this rank because 10 pops on 8 weeks are the best that I can ask to a manager! Great work by greiel and we have a SG for next U21 without any doubt.

2) I. Mastroyiannis (9730194) of BC teammate -> He can play three spots without particular problems, potential give to him the future and I hope to have a really complete PG for the future for the next NT season 13 (even if I won't be in Cyprus anymore!)

3) P. Kamelakis (9730369) of Kyaras -> Great, great effort by Kyara! I appreciate it so much! Great work on him, on a SG that should grow as well during the second part of the season!

4) E. Mpountouris (9730478) of ANDYS LA OTRA PASION -> He can shoot, we hope he can play defense as well in short term! Anyway some training session of 1on1 and FT will be appreciated.

2) S. Vekris (9730494) of K.K. Unknown -> He needs OD, DR and PA... but mainly a decent level of ST and FT! Great potential, but we can't use a player that is blind from charity line and a "smoker" :-)

Small Forwards:

1) Y. Dimidou (9730350) of T.P. Team -> Perimetrical SF, good skills everywhere... except for ST!!! It won't be so hard to train it? right?!

2) K. Tsigkos (10418804) of Arctics -> This new addition is really interesting. Complete SF, more internal, good height and good trainer... we can have a different SF on our next u21 team!

3) S. Sfaliaridis (9730198) of BC teammate -> Small Forward for Run and Gun, I like more defense for a SF, inside and outside... we should work on it...

4) A. Glikos (9730301) of Bradfort B.C. -> useless (DR-HA) skills are on a high level, now we are waiting for the right ones: OD, IS, ID and ST/FT

5) N. Fanoureas (9730440) of Чикаго булсí -> I always mention him because he's good, but he's close to the potential cap and this trade I think that will be end his chances to be a U21 NT Player even if he's a 6th man.

Inside Players:

1) G. Prezas (9867279) of Sharpshooters -> I still don't know why he's already on U21 Nt, anyway he's not bad... he needs ST/FT and IS... really more IS! ...passing? 1-2 levels?

2) A. Konstantaras (9730473) of BC Sopron -> Upgrade!!! Improvements... I personally find him better than Prezes, but I left him on the second place (he was 4th before!) because he's not so clearly better than "the national player". ID mainly, but keep training him on inside skills!

3) P. Markoyiannakis (9931033) of Lula Team -> Well balanced player, I think he will find next u21 recruitment, but he needs more training session on IS/ID/REB

4) Y. Tsamaslidis (9939117) of Espiye Gücü -> Put some glasses on his face, he can't shoot FT!!! Anyway potential and skills told me that he can be usefull for U21 NT. IS and REB, for the moment, are requested...

5) N. Tsalavoutas (9730224) of Pegasus Dreamz -> Stop smoking! (give to him ST!) I hope on a well balance growth similar to Markoyiannakis raise.

Last edited by Steve Makis™ at 02/08/2010 21:25:59

This Post:
94171.42 in reply to 94171.41
Date: 02/08/2010 12:08:49
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Any comments? Or you are watching your NT as many online users, aren't you?:)

We are the ones who wanna play, always wanna go but we never wanna stay
This Post:
94171.43 in reply to 94171.42
Date: 02/08/2010 20:09:14
Overall Posts Rated:
I was out during all day... sorry for that

EDIT: we have comments :-)

Last edited by Steve Makis™ at 02/08/2010 21:26:20

This Post:
94171.44 in reply to 94171.43
Date: 03/25/2010 11:46:48
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End/Start season updating... we have some good guards, a little bit behind Papanikos and Kakarnakis at the start of season 11... we hope to have a good season, but it will be hard and the next U21 coach will have a lot of work to do:


1) N. Zigouris (9730309) of Florida 96ers -> We have a shooting guard... he needs a lot of JR this season, I hope he could take it. OD is the second point, but every outside player on next u21 team needs OD, Zigouris too..

2) I. Mastroyiannis (9730194) of BC teammate -> He's our point guard... I hope to see him trained on OD during this season and some pops on shooting (passing and handling too on end season)... he's great for this team, but I hope that he could reach NT in a couple of season, so Cyprus could have a real PG

3) P. Kamelakis (9730369) of US SKYLINERS -> E. Mpountouris (9730478), A. Kotsovolos (10484879) and S. Vekris (9730494) are not so distant, but he can score from charity line... others... they need to score when fouled, so I hope on some training session during this season (during ASG and start (this friday!)/end season)

Small Forwards:

1) Y. Dimidou (9730350) of KK Mertojak -> After Miky departure when hadn't so many pops by Dimidou, I hope that during this season the MVP perimetrical small forward would reach his maturity and give us many satisfactions!

2) S. Sfaliaridis (9730198) of BC teammate -> Small Forward for Run and Gun! He should work on defenses (both!) and JR if he could... it's important to have perimetrical small forwards after new GE, but we need to defend as well as scoring!

3) K. Tsigkos (10418804) of Arctics -> He's the only different player that could play as SF without deface on the court... I hope he will skill up every 2 weeks, because we need a different tactical army

Inside Players:

1) A. Konstantaras (9730473) of BC Sopron -> Really close to Prezas, same amount of inside skills, but a more realistic jumper and good ST/FT ratio

2) G. Prezas (9867279) of Sharpshooters -> I hope he will pop this season as well... I hope, to create a different player, that he will be trained after this season as forward... wing training session (JS-JR and 1on1) could allow Cyprus to have a good change for Kaliasis in a couple of season. We hope

3) M. Chiotakis (9991301) of Harrisburg Trafficers -> Y. Tsamaslidis (9939117), P. Markoyiannakis (9931033), N. Tsalavoutas (9730224) and D. Menziltsoglou (11100554) are a little bit more productive inside, but he's 221cm with 10 pops during seasons 11, good secondaries that allow us to have a power forward... RB-RB-RB!!!!

This Post:
94171.45 in reply to 94171.44
Date: 03/31/2010 08:12:40
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Vissarionas Pelekoudis (11566727)

maybe you are interested to my player.. he is focus training..

Last edited by vanth at 03/31/2010 08:13:12
