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Mircronation opinions

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From: Calum

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206601.36 in reply to 206601.35
Date: 1/19/2012 6:09:10 PM
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Dont forget swansea and wrexham!

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206601.37 in reply to 206601.18
Date: 1/20/2012 12:19:01 AM
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Are We here to see "japanese" discussion or a debate about micronation ?

I think that merging micro-nation would be good, but even before discussing how to, the question is do you want to ?

Knecht said no. What about our asian speakers ?

I coach the NT of Bolivia. There is absolutely no communication between the managers. Winning is not easy, but not really difficult too as just a handful of them have a small knowledge of the game. But they still can pay 600.000$ a week without problem.

As the voice of Asia I shall speak.
(sorry for those that have been brainwashed into thinking its trophyless Wolph or YC)....

I think I was lobbying for equal size leagues from season 4 (maybe earlier).

Whether that means Asian minus China or however it works out - its irrelevant.

The most successful Federation (started by me) contains decent managers (minus a few that slipped in) that by and large wanted to play quality competitive games. For some the Friday PL games were the highlight of the week to pit their wits against managers & teams of equal caliber.

Look how parts of this thread have talked about their PL matches..... this is because we (micronations) don't enjoy the consistency in quality in our opponents & seek to challenge ourselves on a global scale OR for up-coming teams they spend too much of their early career playing blow-out matches when they should be playing against other managers in similar financial situation to them.

Reset the entire game or add whichever leagues make numerical sense to ensure that TV revenue is closer throughout the world. Drafts would be easy - whoever you draft is the nationality of your team.

This Post:
206601.38 in reply to 206601.28
Date: 1/20/2012 12:26:41 AM
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It might be easier for micronation teams, but where's the fun of the game.. You start in div-II, and the next year you're already in the div-I.. Then you play for a few seasons and you are on of the best of your country. Then what?

Want to try doing that in Japan or some of the other countries dominated by 1 or 2 teams.

You have more chance of trophies where you are in Finland (Div 4 + Div 3 = 2 trophies) Japan you might get a Div 2 trophy then a very quiet spell......

This Post:
206601.39 in reply to 206601.38
Date: 1/20/2012 2:35:29 PM
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Voice of Asia. Pshaw...

Well said, though, SFG. I agree.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
This Post:
206601.40 in reply to 206601.39
Date: 1/20/2012 10:48:44 PM
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Voice of Asia. Pshaw...

Well said, though, SFG. I agree.

I assumed the mantle when you left back for the US... anyway, how's your new feeder club...*cough*, I mean how is life treating you :D

It is tough developing Thai talent, but I'm on track to sell you some juicy 23/24yo's for when you return... *wink, wink* ;p

From: Saltori

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206601.43 in reply to 206601.42
Date: 1/21/2012 7:25:08 AM
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It's not necessary ...

Really, much countries are boring to play there. I agree at all. But the BBs did something smart.


You are from Fiji Islands, so, there's one country for you, the people from New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Tahiti ... It will not be interesting. If you're in three our two season in the top of your country, try to recognize how it was easy, and try to get more goals. If you're in the top, try to train players to improve your NT or U21. Try to talk with friends to play this game.

In all countries are almost the same histories.

This Post:
206601.44 in reply to 206601.41
Date: 1/21/2012 9:06:23 AM
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The only proper way to determine this is for the two of you to cage fight. That or take shots till one of you barfs.

We did meet once but decided to sip tea instead. There would be no need for a cage - I'm about 1ft shorter & my only chance of survival if he ever turned on me would be my velvet tongue.... even then I'd probably talk myself back out of the fight, then back into it!

This Post:
206601.45 in reply to 206601.44
Date: 1/23/2012 10:35:07 PM
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I look forward to the next time we meet and switch from tea sipping to booze swilling.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
From: malice
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206601.46 in reply to 206601.45
Date: 1/25/2012 1:29:41 AM
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I would despise any changes that moved to a conglomerate of nations. I enjoy playing within my nation's identity - and I am pretty sure that another micro-nation I know pretty well feels the same way (Cymru - Wales... I am the U21 coach there).

Interesting tho', not realising this thread existed, I started another one based on the problems of distribution of new teams faced by small nations.
( - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan