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BB Global (English) > Is BB dying a slow death?

Is BB dying a slow death?

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From: Rewsna

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326400.36 in reply to 326400.32
Date: 2/12/2025 7:37:27 AM
the Chemodan
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You can see this just by how the world competes with USA now

I think level of NBA becomes lower. Thats why. I watched NBA games from 2006 to 2019. Now days nba players cant defence. This is just freak show.

Google AI says soccer/football at 3.5M fans worldwide and basketball at 3.3M. But this appears to have come from FIBA directly and other websites put basketball at #3 behind cricket and still others put them MUCH lower.

Asia's counties with treir billions peaple make this stats.
First place is football for MOST countries.

Last edited by Rewsna at 2/12/2025 7:38:28 AM

This Post:
326400.37 in reply to 326400.32
Date: 2/12/2025 8:45:53 AM
BC Eos
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I also think that the disadvantage that basketball has is that the NBA (a national league) is pretty much the core or the central hub of basketball while not much else is going on elsewhere nationally. Sure we have the Euroleague and the Olympics are also interesting at times. It is a whole different story with football where, sure you have the core in Europe/S. America but you have good if not great national leagues throughout the world. In addition there are all these great international tournaments, CL, WC Continental Cups that millions if not billion people are regularly following. I think football just has a greater reach as a sport.

What I mean to say by that is: BB probably can't be directly compared to HT and therefore I don't think it should be such a big concern that BB is not able to reach these numbers.

IMO it comes down to modernizing the UI of the game and habe a complete mobile app, which could really have the potential of reeling in "standard gamers", who are not hardcore basketball fans. I believe that the outdated/old school look of the webpage scares quite a few people away, who are used to more modern standards, especially these from the younger generations. I have seen several people already mentioning in the forums that they used to play BB back in the day and now came back, because they knew there was an app. But as I said, this is just from my perspective and is in no way the truth

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326400.38 in reply to 326400.37
Date: 2/12/2025 3:23:33 PM
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Why only Hattrick. There many online basketball games that have went under as well ? Right? I don't think it's fair compare that game to this one, two different sports.

How many other basketball online games are their like this one? What is the ranking of those and etc.? This game seem to lack communication and community . Seem to be many know it all's and know nothing at all (I would be in the latter)? I wonder what this game was like it prime. Forums maybe more filled with vibrate conversations 🙂.

Last edited by Big city at 2/12/2025 3:31:08 PM

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326400.39 in reply to 326400.38
Date: 2/12/2025 3:32:57 PM
Dark Tranquillity
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The biggest place outside BB was Charazay, but it's closed. I guess there is no other place. I think this game will be good enough when Game Manuel includes everything and the interface is modernized. Also with a full mobile app the number of users will increase (20-30-50k?). Right now I'm old school and I use the desktop version even when I'm on my phone, but I think a lot of people get tired of that and want to use the mobile app.

There is no need to speed up the game like the new owners think. Although in basketball we are used to a lot of games, maybe 3 league games a week.

From: canci

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326400.40 in reply to 326400.39
Date: 2/13/2025 2:03:02 AM
Akul Atina
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Second Team:
The basis is communication. When that is not there, then everyone will doubt. It turns out that the owners never had or played these types of games because if they wrote every week it would be great for us.

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326400.41 in reply to 326400.40
Date: 2/13/2025 2:28:32 AM
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Little Computer People
The basis is communication. When that is not there, then everyone will doubt. It turns out that the owners never had or played these types of games because if they wrote every week it would be great for us.

Not every week, but at least from time to time (season and half-season news) would be great.

Last edited by LA-flaterik123 at 2/13/2025 2:29:48 AM

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
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326400.43 in reply to 326400.42
Date: 2/14/2025 11:26:09 AM
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Little Computer People
… even LA would give comments that really makes me say oh boy what good is this comment to the game

I am in this game for 10 years now (this time) and became a farmhand (or slave 😉) for translations … I do not have any further information what is going on „up there“ 🤷‍♂️

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
From: Big city

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326400.44 in reply to 326400.42
Date: 2/14/2025 8:14:01 PM
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Are you saying in short. "It's all.a Mystery".??
