I've been chasing since I started, and after 4 seasons, I still only have 32 flags...
Tournaments and flags don't go well together.
At least I get to collect 5 flags each season if I play the tournament's finals, a few more if I exit sooner.
So since about 2 countries (or 4 maximum I think) enter the BB world each season, I'll get them all....eventually....

Starting next week I can go chasing again.
I already set my targets:
Lubnan (boy am I trying to get this one for a long long time)
United Arab Emirates (didn't work last season, let's see if I can get them over this time)
and Beylarus
Hope to get these 5. If not there are enough other countries I still need, so I'm prety sure I'll get 5 new ones before the next cup starts.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.