Its natural selection and there is no selection in getting run over by a pokemon player.
The lion very well does select the weakest gazelle out of the herd because its the easiest prey.
However, if you consider pokemon driving a fundamental shift in general environmental conditions (like ice ages) instead of crazy incidents then yes, the ones that cant adapt and still cross the streets with green traffic ligths trusting the sanity of the approaching car driver could be removed from the gene pool by natural selection.
I guess I'm the crazy one here then for not just inherently trusting other people to obey traffic laws, not be sleep deprived, not be drunk, not be texting, not drop their cigarette and burn themselves etc. I'm the crazy one for being aware of my surroundings?
What makes the "weakest gazelle" the easiest prey?
Is it *always* the "slowest" gazelle, or is it possible, just *possible* that sometimes, its the gazelle that is last to notice that there is danger? Do you not think people's ability to recognize or sense danger is involved here? Are you not looking in your rear view mirror while driving to see if the person behind you is on their phone? Are you not maintaining a safe distance from the driver in front of you in case they decide to... Let's just say swerve across 3 lanes of highway into a ditch, get out of their car, and run about 10 yards from it to try and catch a Pokemon when it was 8:47pm on a Sunday night and you're on a major freeway going around 80 miles per hour or roughly 129 kilometers per hour?
I guess for me it's just an extension of what you're taught as a girl, being aware of your surroundings, what people (guys) are doing and what they're watching, to lessen chances of being assaulted or robbed or raped. So if one isn't just naturally trusting or oblivious to their surroundings more than others it just seems like crazy talk.
Last edited by RamenQueen at 7/18/2016 6:07:27 PM