Obviously, all sorts of mental gymnastics on this rest on simplifying assumptions. Mine was that we only have two types of shots, inside and outside. All shots of a certain type are identical, and can either be "good" or "bad", depending how they compare to the team expectation for the quality of a shot.
To me, it is obvious that every shot is of different quality. Otherwise, everyone would take the first shot. "Good" or "bad" is all relative.
My example started with the condition that all shots are good if no defensive zone is applied. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether the distribution is skewed to the inside or to the outside.
There are not two types of shots, every shot has a different probability of success. You did mention a specific probability for a player to take a shot, which did not change depending on pace.
I don't see any justification for the acceptance of such a statement, given that it will depend on what the opposing team looks like. I don't think zones work differently based on who you're playing against. Plus, given how shot selection is determined, it's next to impossible to control the average shot quality ex-ante.
There are only three possibilities using a 2-3 zone keeps the overall probability of a shot going in:
1) the same
2) increases it
3) decreases it
Against a base offense, I personally expect it to be #1. Perhaps an argument could be made for #2, but it still makes your example moot. If #3 held, then 2-3 zone would be the system of choice to defend a base offense, which it does not seem to be.
I'm not sure what "ex-ante" has to do with anything. Sure, the probability of a shot going in changes as a game goes along, as players come in and out, as the coach makes adjustments, etc. Is that what you mean? I thought we were disregarding that for the moment?
As I mentioned, I am starting to suspect that the determination of pace (at least for defensive tactics) is made ex-post through calibration. But then again, this is as wild a guess as there is.
I suspect it is more like: for a specific pace, a basket should on average be scored by time x on the shot clock. The "calibration" as you call it might be used to determine the quality of shot the offense is willing to accept (x pts on average). But I don't see how the pace can change as the game goes along (in fact, in my experience, it doesn't, except maybe at the end of the game when a team is trying to take quick shots).
Run of the Mill Canadian Manager