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Utopia - IV.51 > Welcome to the 1st Season IV.51 :)

Welcome to the 1st Season IV.51 :)

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From: MisterX

This Post:
257037.37 in reply to 257037.36
Date: 11/18/2023 7:00:24 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Today is exciting 😎

This Post:
257037.38 in reply to 257037.37
Date: 11/22/2023 5:05:09 PM
Pipa Warriors
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Pipa Organics
It was?
Nikita is a strong team, we did a mistake and didnt take care of the PD and thus didnt get the home advantage in the PO that was needed.
Good luck in the next 2 games, will be needed

I am actually trying to advance, my training object are draining my economy

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