I dont think there should even be a waiting time before you can sign in. Most websites you sign up,you confirm your email and you are logged in.
In my case i signed up first time,i was able to login immediately,i had a look on my team,released some players,i log off,next day i try to log in and it says my team was denied.
Then i sign up again,but now im not able to log in immediately,have to wait for review. My sign up gets denied.
Third time i sign up,cant login immediately,next day im able to login.
You know why i was denied? Because i used an english name on my full name. UNBELIEVABLE.
I can not comprehend why did such a thing happen twice,i can not have my name in english but only in my own language. Thats so unnecessary i can not even put it to words.
I literally put the exact same things into the fields every time except the third time i put my name in greek.
I dont know if anybody else had that problem but imagine if they did,there is no way they would figure out what they were doing wrong AND THEY WOULDNT BE ABLE TO CONTACT ANYBODY ABOUT IT.
Can you imagine losing sing ups because of such a reason?
Instead i put a random greek name in english letters.
I assume that you cant have you full name the same as the manager name? I only now came to the realization that this is probably the reason i was getting denied.
But nonetheless it was never explained to me other than a very generic response (not enough information provided,or something),i tried to contact somebody and got no response.
Please add somewhere an actual contact form that is check daily,you can not run any kind of website without having contact information.
Anyway lets not get off topic.