Some players to sell, because I change the train:
Cibrán Abia
(2588009) good center, MVP season 4. The Boss.
Ernest Alcolea
(2588012) Power forward. Poor skills? maybe, but his matches are incredible, just see him last season (season 5). The best qualify-prize. The best option for teams without money.
Javier Pizarro
(2372416) Very good Power Forward - Center. Nothing more to say, just see.
And here 3 young players to train:
Manuel Cananea
(3013083) Crack. There is, he's going to reach the next level in outside defense.
Raimon Paradís
(5726904) Taked from draft, he receives outside defense train too. Very good option.
David Villaluenga
(4580040) Another crack. He's going to take next level in outside defense too, is his time. A jewel for train.
Good Luck :)