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USA Training! (thread closed)

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From: MagicMan

This Post:
8736.375 in reply to 8736.374
Date: 7/18/2008 7:09:46 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Training Inside Defense, Lvl 10, PF/C

18 yo American PF to mediocre ID, strong SB
18 yo American C to strong ID
19 yo Dunking Dutchman to inept SB
21 yo American C to sensational ID

Nice week!

From: dhoff
This Post:
8736.376 in reply to 8736.375
Date: 7/18/2008 9:23:01 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Training Jump Shots, Lvl 10, SG/SF

22 yo Aussie SG to proficient JS
20 yo Spanish PG to proficient JS
20 yo Chilean PF to strong Handling
20 yo Chilean PF to respectable JS

Very happy with my training minutes this week. Had 52, 48, 48, 48, 46, 44 minutes for my six guys.

This Post:
8736.377 in reply to 8736.376
Date: 7/18/2008 1:41:11 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Jump Range, Lvl. 10, PG/SG

21yo American to Prolific JS

This Post:
8736.378 in reply to 8736.377
Date: 7/19/2008 10:21:46 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Passing, Lvl 10, PG

19 y/o American to strong passing
18 y/o American to strong driving

This Post:
8736.379 in reply to 8736.1
Date: 7/25/2008 8:11:23 AM
Myopic Marauders
Overall Posts Rated:
L10, Jump shooting, guards

21 yo PG to prominent JS

This Post:
8736.380 in reply to 8736.379
Date: 7/25/2008 11:48:59 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Rebounding, C/PF, level 9

18yo American to strong RB
23yo American to strong RB
22yo American to sensational IS

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
From: webstju
This Post:
8736.381 in reply to 8736.11
Date: 7/25/2008 3:45:17 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
just found this thread.. have been keeping track of my training in a notepad file for the last 8 weeks, hopefully this helps any other guard trainers

w1: jump shot/guards
w2: stamina
w3: passing/pg
w4: outside shooting/guards
w5: jump shot/guards
w6: pressure/guards
w7: outside shooting/guards
w8: jump shot/guards
w9: pressure/guards

Petri Rohkimainen: 20yo, allstar
w1- jr (proficient)
w3- pa (strong)
w5- js (prominent), handling (respectable)
w8- js (prolific)

Rombout Glansbeek: 19yo, all star
w1- js (proficient), jr (mediocre), handling (proficient)
w6- od (strong), id (average)
w8- js (prominent)

Anthony Amador: 19yo, all star
w3- handling (strong)
w4- jr (strong)
w5- js (strong)
w8- js (proficient)

Tom Rose: 21yo, all star
w1- js (prolific)
w6- od (respectable)

From: dhoff

This Post:
8736.382 in reply to 8736.381
Date: 7/25/2008 4:36:10 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Are these guys all getting 48+ minutes per week?

From: webstju

This Post:
8736.383 in reply to 8736.382
Date: 7/25/2008 4:52:00 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
yes.. recently been training another one of my players as a guard but he hasn't had any pops yet

here's the rotation i use, assume i have 5 trainees and each is assigned a number 1-5

saturday league
start 1 at pg, start 2 at sg, use 3 as backup for both

tuesday league
start 3 at pg, start 1 at sg, use 2 as backup for both

thursday scrimmage
start 4 at pg, start 5 at sg, no backups

players 4-5 i use at sf for league games, each starts one and is backup in the other

This Post:
8736.384 in reply to 8736.383
Date: 7/25/2008 5:59:29 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Lost my notepad where I kept track of training for this last season, but here's what's happened the last 3 weeks:

Week 1, Jump Shot, Lv 10 Trainer, Guards
Weeks 2 & 3, One on One, lvl 10 trainer, Guards

Week 1:
20yo American SG, Proficient JS and JR
21yo American SG, Sensational JS
19yo Italian PG, Proficient JS and Inept Driving
20yo Hrvastkan SF, Respectable Handling

Week 2:
20yo American SG, Proficient Driving
23yo Italian SF who plays PG, Prominent Driving
20yo Hrvastkan SF, Respectable Driving

Week 3:
20yo American SG, Proficient Handling
21yo American SG, Prolific Driving, Prominent Handling, Tremendous JS
19yo Italian SF, Proficient JS

And I think the week before week 1 I trained in OD and had 20yo SG, Prominent OD, 21yo SG, Strong OD, and I have a feeling these two Americans wont be popping for a week or two.
But trying OD again this week.
What a week of pops for me.

From: Kermmy
This Post:
8736.385 in reply to 8736.384
Date: 7/25/2008 6:16:07 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Outside Shooting PG/SG
Lvl 10 Trainer

19yo American SF - Strong JR
20yo American PG - Strong JR
19yo American SG - Strong JS
