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BB Global (English) > Is BB dying a slow death - Part Two

Is BB dying a slow death - Part Two

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From: Foto

This Post:
275697.388 in reply to 275697.387
Date: 7/19/2016 6:37:10 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Signups process as you can imagine is something important for BB and something we try to improve as much as we can, since it's the way users enter into the game and the door to what they are going to find.
In fact, this process is probably the one that has changed most. As Manon said, more than half of the new users don't have to wait anything at all to get the team, and just a few wait for more than a couple of hours.
I really think the % of signups processed without any issue is acceptable, but of course there are always some of them that could end with a wrong rejection.
That's the reason all rejections have an e-mail contact, so the users can find out what was wrong and how to solve it. We are aware that some of them won't even bother and will just leave the game without a second attempt. Part of our job is to minimize wrong rejections as much as possible, but it is impossible to have a 100% accuracy.

This Post:
275697.390 in reply to 275697.389
Date: 7/21/2016 7:04:17 AM
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You guys made me recheck my email and sure enough there is no email i can contact.

This is the email i got,i dont need to translate it as you all give the same generic copy-paste response to everybody you deny,it might even get sent automatically i dont know.

I fail to see where there is any email address given.

I actually completely forgot i even replied to the sender of this email,as you can see i had no hopes of getting a response as i know those emails are most of the time a @dont-reply emails. And of course i didnt get a response.

It says i didnt give enough information but i filled every field i had to,otherwise i wouldnt even be able to finish the registration in the first place.

I might need a new pair of glasses but i dont see any email address given to me to contact somebody.

Bad GM or not this is extremely unprofessional.

Last edited by Jason Genova at 7/21/2016 7:05:37 AM

This Post:
275697.391 in reply to 275697.390
Date: 7/21/2016 8:01:49 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
If you haven't received a rejection message, then there is a mistake that we have to solve and we will chekc to do it as soon as possible. It's not a general issue, since we are receiving some e-mails from time to time.
On the other hand, the signup request consits not only in filling all the fields, but doing it seriously, so the fact that you have been rejected could have been perfectly normal if you tried to signup with fake data.

From: GrFlur

To: Foto
This Post:
275697.392 in reply to 275697.391
Date: 7/21/2016 8:23:08 AM
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Is not this conversation absolutely off toppic in wich case it will be proper to do a new thread?

Howl to the Moon, you won't regret it.
From: Foto

This Post:
275697.394 in reply to 275697.392
Date: 7/21/2016 8:44:59 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Not really if the signup procedure is claimed to be one of the reasons to have less users and the main topic of the thread is that BB number of users was decreasing.
It's important to figure out if this could be true or not and what can be done by the staff to improve this.

From: Foto

This Post:
275697.397 in reply to 275697.395
Date: 7/21/2016 9:23:22 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
This time it's me who consider that the second part of your post it's offtopic
About the first part, I really agree (more or less) with you. But as you can understand, one thing is the general policy, which is very close with what you are demanding, and another one some concrete cases that should be handled in a different way or where we have to be more careful.
