Fan Survey
Zorán Szabadi
Three times per week, on the day following games, your PR-Manager conducts a survey of fans. The results are based on a small sample of fans, and may not accurately represent the feelings of all of your team's supporters. Nevertheless, the responses should give a good indication of your fanbase's happiness, and their willingness to attend games and buy merchandise.
Below is a summary of the results of the survey taken on 5/23/2012.
Statement Response
I am pleased with the team's performance last season N/A
I am pleased with the team's performance this season
2 2
The team had a good run in the cup this year N/A
The team played well in our last league game
4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
The team played well the last time they were on TV N/A
The team played well in our last game against Cincinnati Shamans, our hated rival N/A
I am familiar with the star players, and am not afraid that they will be transferred
1.5 1.5
The general manager is doing everything he can to try to improve the team
3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
All things considered, I am happy with the direction the team is going in
3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5