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LV spēlētāju tirgus (thread closed)

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From: iLmAx

This Post:
94530.39 in reply to 94530.38
Date: 6/7/2009 2:06:01 PM
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I see that in your roster you have Spacks with 42k of salary, but he is 25 years old, if someone train agroproms( he is 22yo and he has potential) , agro became most most most plus strong of your are a bit overrated :)

From: egolav

This Post:
94530.40 in reply to 94530.39
Date: 6/7/2009 2:30:12 PM
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nop, he is right, You want too much for Agroproms. I'd like such Latvian player, but not for such a price.

My evaluation: 2-2,2 milion.

From: iLmAx

This Post:
94530.41 in reply to 94530.40
Date: 6/7/2009 2:45:38 PM
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O_O 2.2? I saw many player similary to agroproms sell for 3milions...then he is very complete player and he can be train as long player for his this period the prizes are very small, I must sell him at the end of the last season, but for 2.2 I keep him....

From: egolav

This Post:
94530.42 in reply to 94530.41
Date: 6/7/2009 4:33:17 PM
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shure, at the end of the last season his price was 3 million or more, bet now it is much less...

From: Nikelis

This Post:
94530.43 in reply to 94530.39
Date: 6/7/2009 5:31:33 PM
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I am underrated :)

I agree, that his price (3 mlj. as you wanted) at this moment is way too big, because as SF he is not as many-sided (skilled) as needed. Great Jums shot skill is not everything that SF needs. His other skills (outside defence is handsome too) are not the best. That`s why he is overrated :)

Of course, with good training (for example, inside shot or other skills) he will become more many-sided ... so his value will increase.

Last edited by Nikelis at 6/7/2009 5:36:25 PM

This Post:
94530.44 in reply to 94530.43
Date: 6/8/2009 5:19:36 AM
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Justins Linde-Liepinš (9606444) Uzbrūkošais aizsargs
Versusall team
DEADLINE - Solīšana beidzas: 2009.06.08. 12:51:15 pēc pusstundas.
Nedēļas alga:
$ 5 229
DMI: 12800
Vecums: 19
Augums: 6'5" / 196 cm
Potenciāls: Slavas zāles cienīgs spēlētājs
Forma: labi
Metiens lēcienā: labi Tālmetieni: apmierinoši
Aizs. perimetrā: labi Dribls: vāji
Caurgājiens: draņķīgi Piespēles: labi
Metiens zem groza: vāji Aizs. Soda Lauk.: draņķīgi
Atlekušās: apmierinoši Bloķēšana: neatbilstoši
Izturība: labi ↑ Soda Metiens: katastrofāli

Pieredze: katastrofāli

Message deleted
This Post:
94530.46 in reply to 94530.1
Date: 6/9/2009 12:58:33 PM
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mans labākais drafta ieguvums pārdošanā. 18 yo. cerams, ka kādam noderēs.


This Post:
94530.47 in reply to 94530.46
Date: 6/10/2009 8:27:13 AM
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Šis savukārt ir mans labākais draftenieks. Varbūt kādam noder.

Last edited by venture at 6/10/2009 8:27:39 AM

From: ernests

This Post:
94530.48 in reply to 94530.47
Date: 6/10/2009 9:53:45 AM
Red Demonc
Overall Posts Rated:
Tasos Arnaoutoglou (5291278) SG, varbuut kādam noder...

This Post:
94530.49 in reply to 94530.48
Date: 6/10/2009 9:55:07 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Tasos Arnaoutoglou (5291278) SG, varbuut kādam noder...
