You guys made me recheck my email and sure enough there is no email i can contact.
This is the email i got,i dont need to translate it as you all give the same generic copy-paste response to everybody you deny,it might even get sent automatically i dont know.
I fail to see where there is any email address given. actually completely forgot i even replied to the sender of this email,as you can see i had no hopes of getting a response as i know those emails are most of the time a @dont-reply emails. And of course i didnt get a response. says i didnt give enough information but i filled every field i had to,otherwise i wouldnt even be able to finish the registration in the first place.
I might need a new pair of glasses but i dont see any email address given to me to contact somebody.
Bad GM or not this is extremely unprofessional.
Last edited by Jason Genova at 7/21/2016 7:05:37 AM